Works and publications by Leonid Zotov



L. Zotov, V. Yushkin, N. Frolova, C.K. Shum GRACE & GFO Satellite data for Hydrology and Earth rotation, proceedings of ITNT-2024,p 22002, Samara, May 20-24, 2024

Sidorenkov N., Zotov L., Quasi–biennial oscillation of the wind in the equatorial stratosphere, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics,23, N3 52-58, Moscow, 2024

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N., Marchukova O., Chujkova N.A., Maximova T.G. Features in the Earth rotation and El Nino Sousern Oscillation in 2020-s. at Uspensky readings 2024, pp. 162-166, Moscow, January 29/1-2/2, 2024

Zotov L., N. Frolova,V. Yushkin, Fadeev A.A. Space gravimetry from GRACE and GRACE-FO. Proceedings of Sadovnichii conference, Section Modelling and prediction of global processes, Mathematics in the constellation of sciences, page 731-732 Moscow,

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N.S., Bizouard Ch., Marchukova O. Could the Chandler wobble, LOD, and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation be influenced by the lunar tide?, abstract at International Scientific Conference Modern challenges of inverse problems 2024, Novosibirsk, 3-5 October 2024

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N.S., Comparison of global earth temperature with anomalies in the Earth rotation, abstracts of SKOS-2024, page 79, IPTS, Sevastopol, 5-8 November 2024

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N.S., Study of the Chandler wobble excitation, abstract at DZZ-2024, p. 248, Moscow, 11-15 November 2024

confereces & talks

Zotov L.V., Evolution and nature of the Chandler wobble, talk at the section of Geodesy at the National geophysical center RAS, Moscow, 18 November 2024

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N.S., Study of the Chandler wobble excitation, talk at DZZ-2024, Moscow, 11-15 November 2024

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N.S., Comparison of global earth temperature with anomalies in the Earth rotation, talk at SKOS-2024, Sevastopol, 5-8 November 2024

Zotov L., Changes of the Chandler wobble and its excitation online talk at XVI youth scientific school-conference "Theory and numeruical methods of solving of inverse and ill-posed problems", Novosibirsk, 1 October 2024

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N.S., Bizouard Ch., Marchukova O. Could the Chandler wobble, LOD, and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation be influenced by the lunar tide?, online talk at International Scientific Conference Modern challenges of inverse problems 2024, Novosibirsk, 3-5 October 2024

Zotov L., Yushkin V.D., Frolova N.L., Shum C.K. GRACE & GFO satellite gravimetry data for hydrology and Earth rotation, talk at ITNT-2024, Samara, 20-24 May 2024

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N., Bizouard Ch. Chandler Wobble in 2020-s, online talk at Geokosmos 2024, Snt Petersburg, 22-26 April 2024

Zotov L., Chandler Wobble turn-over, talk at the IPU RAN 11 March 2024, Moscow,

Zotov L., N. Frolova,V. Yushkin, Fadeev A.A. Space gravimetry from GRACE and GRACE-FO. Sadovnichii conference, Section Modelling and prediction of global processes, presentation at Mathematics in the constellation of sciences, 2 april 2024, 12:45, MSU, Moscow, video recording at 3h 27 min

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N., Marchukova O., Chujkova N.A., Maximova T.G, Zotov L., Sidorenkov N., Marchukova O., Chujkova N.A., Maximova T.G Features in the Earth rotation and El Nino Sousern Oscillation in 2020-s. Uspensky seminar Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow,

popular talks and publications in the media

Data filtering in astronomy and geophysics, talk at MTC True Tech day 17 May 2024

Small comment to Time and Date article 25 April 2024

Earth from space and Climate change talk at Cheboksary State University 26 February 2024

Trip over Solar system talk at Lyceum N3 at Cheboksary, 27 February 2024

Visokosnii year how 29 February appeared, TASS material, 28.02.2024

Attractive Moon how this satellite influence the Earth, interview at Latvijas radio, 28.02.2024

New in the rotation of the Earth interview at NaukaPRO channel



L. Zotov, Anomalies in the Earth rotation and Syzygies in Perigee, at Industry 4.0 VIII, Iss. 5, p. 166-168, 2023 WEB ISSN 2534-997X; PRINT ISSN 2534-8582

L. Zotov, V. Yushkin, N. Frolova, C.K.Shum, Changes over Russia from GRACE and GRACE-FO, online poster at GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 16-18/10/2023, Boulder, Colorado

L. Zotov, Ch. Bizouard and N. Sidorenkov, Chandler Wobble and LOD Anomalyes in 2010–2020s, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting ofthe Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2022), p. 153-155 (2023).

Gorshkov V., Gusev I., Dokukin P., Kaftan V., Malkin Z., Mazurova E., Mikhailov V., Pasynok S., Pobedinsky G., Popadyev V., Savinykh V., Shestakov N., Stoliarov I., Sugaipova L., Zotov L., National Report for the IAG of the IUGG 2019–2023, Geoinf. Res. Papers, Vol. 11, No. 1, BS1002, GCRAS Publ., Moscow, 69 pp., 2023, DOI:10.2205/2023IUGG-RU-IAG

Kozyreva V.S., Bogomazov A.I., Demkov B.P., Zotov L.V., Tutukov A.V., The Exo-Jupiter Candidate FL Lyr b in Data of Kepler and TESS Space Missions, Astronomy Reports, Vol. 67, No. 5, pp. 441-451, 2023, DOI: 10.1134/S1063772923050062

confereces & talks

Zotov L.V., Motions of the Moon and probable explanation of modulations of the Chandler wobble of the pole, laboratory of gravimetry seminar, SAI MSU, 10.04.2023, recording at the seminar site

L. Zotov, Сh. Bizouard, N. Sidorenkov, C.K. Shum, S. Denisenko Regularized Kalman filter in application to the Chandler wobble of the pole, ICCC workshop 2023, talk S05C11, online, 29/03/2023

L. Zotov, S. Barinova, I. Garazha, Regularized Kalman filter in application to the Chandler wobble of the pole, talk at the Uspensky seminar, (abstract), Ekaterinburg 27/01/2023

popular talks and publications in the media

Earth rotation, what has changed in recent epoch lecture at Moscow planetarium

L. Zotov, Chandler wobble and supermoon, (promotion poster), 4/04/2023

Time and Cosmos interview at Osnovy channel



L. Zotov, N. Sidorenkov, Ch. Bizouard, Anomalies of the Chandler Wobble in 2010s, Moscow University Physics Bulletin, Vol. 77, N. 3, pp.55-58, 2022, DOI:10.3103/S0027134922030134, russian version

L. Zotov, Earth rotation and climate processes, Monography (in Russian), 306 p., MIEM HSE, 2022, ISBN:978-5-600-03155-5

Ch. Bizouard, L.I. Fernandes, L. Zotov Admittance of the Earth Rotational Response to Zonal Tide Potential , Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Febr. 2022,

L. Zotov, Ch. Bizouard, C.K. Shum, Ch. Zhang, N. Sidorenkov, V. Yushkin, Analysis of Earth’s Polar Motion and Length of Day Trends in Comparison with Estimates Using Second Degree Stokes Coefficients from Satellite Gravimetry, Advances in Space Research, N69, 2022, pp. 308-318,

confereces & talks

L. Zotov, Ch. Bizouard, N. Sidorenkov On the observed acceleration of the Earth's rotation and Chandler wobble damping, talk at the section of geodesy meeting at the Geophysical center RAS, Moscow 27/12/2022

L. Zotov,Ch. Bizouard, N. Sidorenkov On the observed acceleration of the Earth's rotation and Chandler wobble damping , talk at FAPM-2022, Bauman State University, Moscow 08/12/2022

L. Zotov,Ch. Bizouard, N. Sidorenkov, O. Marchukova Anomalies of the Earth’s rotation in 2010-2020-s , talk at Problems of Geocosmos-2022, Snt-Petersburg State University, 05/10/2022

L. Zotov, Analysis of the Chandler wobble damping in the beggining of 2020s , talk at DZZ-2022, IKI RAS, 16/11/2022 Video 2:41

L. Zotov,Ch. Bizouard, N. Sidorenkov Anomalies of the Earth's rotation in 2010-2020s, talk at Geokazan-2022, Kazan Federal University, 1 september 2022

L. Zotov, Ch. Bizouard, N. Sidorenkov, Chandler wobble and LOD anomalies in 2010s talk at AOGS-19, Virtual, 05/08/2022

L. Zotov Pecularityes of the Chandler wobble in 2010s, recording of the talk at MIEM HSE, 8/02/2022

L. Zotov Earth rotation presents surprises in 2010-2020s: LOD and Chandler wobble varies, recording of the talk at the Saturday Research Academy, Puerto-Rico, 12/02/2022

popular talks and publications in the media

Time and Date



CBS News


7 news




Yushkin V., L. Zotov, A. Basmanov, R. Sermyagin, Gravity changes on Russian comparison stations of absolute gravimeters, Geodesy and Cartography (in russian), N 11, 2021, pp. 8-15

L. Zotov, Ch. Bizouard, Why the Earth Does Not Rotate Evenly and How It Affects the Time Counting, Nature (in russian), N 3, 2021, pp. 26-29

confereces & talks

Zotov L., Marchukova O., Bizouard Ch., Sidorenkov N. Why the Earth accelerates its rotation since 2016? , online talk at IAG Assembley, 1 july 2021, Beijing

Marchukova O., Voskresenskaya E., Zotov L. The faetures of formation of El Nino Southern Oscillation cold phase in 2021-2022, of the conference Russian Seas, 2021, Sevastopol

Zotov L., Marchukova O., Bizouard Ch., Sidorenkov N. Why the Earth accelerates its rotation, online talk at Climatic risks and space weither, 17 june 2021, Irkutsk

Zotov L., Marchukova O. Earth's rotation and El Nino Southern Oscillation, talk at KIMO-2021, 20 april 2021, Moscow

Zotov L. Angular momentum of the Earth's systems and its rotation, talk at Marine Hydrophysical Institute, 15 march 2021, Sevastopol

popular lectures and talks

L. Zotov, Geodynamics and Earth studyies from space , audio recording of the talk at Planetariom of Center of army forces, Moscow, 23 October 2021.


Teaching work, publications of students


L. Zotov, Ch. Bizouard, N. Sidorenkov, A. Ustinov, T. Ershova, Multidecadal and 6-year variations of LOD, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), 1705 012002, IOP Proceedings of FAPM 2019, conference, 2020

L. Zotov, Ch. Bizouard, N. Sidorenkov, About modulations of the Chandler wobble and its excitation, Thesis of FAPM 2020 conference, 2020

Nikolay Sidorenkov, E. Dionis, C. Bizouard, Zotov L.V., Decadal fluctuations in Earth's rotation as evidences of lithospheric drift over the asthenospere, Proceedings of Journees 2019, p. 243-247, 2020

Zotov L.V., C. Bizouard, N. Sidorenkov, Shen WB., Guo ZL. On the variability of the Chandler wobble, Proceedings of Journees 2019, p. 249-254, 2020

Zotov L., Bizouard C., Sidorenkov N.S., Variability of the Chandler wobble of the Earth, International Scientific Conference Fundamental and Applied Problems of Mechanics (FAPM-2019) dedicated to the 100th birthday of academician Konstantin Sergeyevich Kolesnikov Moscow, December 10–12, 2019 theses of reports Compiled by P.M. Shkapov, M.Yu. Barkin, E.V. Melkumova. Engineering Journal: Science and Innovation 2020, Vol. 2, p. 123-124.

Zotov L. Earth's gravity field changes from GRACE and GRACE-FO satellites, Proceedings of SKOS 2020 conference, 2020.

Zotov L., Ustinov A. North Atlantic and Earth rotation features, thesis of KIMO-2020, Kaliningrad, Russia, 2020.

confereces & talks

Zotov L., Bizouar C. About modulations of the Chandler wobble and its excitation, talk at FAPM 2020 conference, 3 December 2020.

Zotov L. Earth's gravity field changes from GRACE and GRACE-FO satellites, talk at 5h58m SKOS 2020 conference, 10 November 2020.

Zotov L. Polar motion and LOD variability in the light of climate change, virtual talk at ZGP/KGiAG (Zakładu Geodezji Planetarnej CBK PAN i Katedry Geodezji i Astronomii Geodezyjnej PW,), Warsaw, Poland, 30 October 2020.

Zotov L., Ustinov A. North Atlantic and Earth rotation features , virtual talk at KIMO-2020, Kaliningrad, Russia, 25 May 2020.

Zotov L. Problems at the boundary of Climate and Earth rotation research, virtual talk in the framework of Joint Working Group (JWG) C.1: "Climate Signals in Earth Orientation Parameters“ at EGU conference, 6 May 2020.

popular lectures and talks

L. Zotov, Remote sensing of the Earth from Space, In the framefork of 10 lectures on astronomy at ARCHE, 6 October 2020.

L. Zotov, Earth rotation and its axis variations , Interview at Latvijskoye radio-4, 22 October 2020.



Doctoral thesis (habilitation) defended at MSU 24/10/2019 "The study of links between the Earth rotation and Geophyscial processes" ( site in russian)

Lygin I.V., Tkachenko N.S., Zotov L.V., Analysis of the gravity variations abovethe North-East part of Pacific ocean region by GRACE satellite mission, Geophysics, 2, pp.73-82, 2019

confereces & talks

Zotov L., Bizouard C., Sidorenkov N.S., Variability of the Chandler wobble of the Earth, talk at FAPM-2019 conference. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia, 11/12/2019.

Zotov L., Lygin I.V., Tkachenko N.S., Frolova N.L. Achivements of GRACE and GRACE-FO missions studying gravity field of the Earth, talk (audio) at 17 conference Contemporary problems of the remote sensing of Earth from space. Institute of Space Research, Moscow, Russia, 12/11/2019.

Zotov L., Bizouard C., Sidorenkov N.S. Chandler wobble variability, talk at Journees-2019 , Paris, France, 7-9 October 2019.

Zotov L. Rotation of the Earth and variations of gravitational field, remote talk at Anniversary X International Conference SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL RELATIONS AND PHYSICS OF EARTHQUAKES PRECURSORS, Paratunka Kamchatsky kray, 4 October 2019.

Zotov L., Bizouard C., Sidorenkov N.S. Chandler wobble variability, talk at 19 -th Gamow Summer School, Odessa, Ukraine, 11-18 August 2019.

Zotov L. Panteleev's corrective filtering as a regularizing algorithm for the Earth's Chandler wobble excitation reconstruction , talk at IPDO-2019, Tianjin, China, 24-26 September 2019.

Leonid Zotov, Why Earth Rotation is Important for Climate Prediction, poster at AOGS-2019 PS06-A006, Singapore, 29/07/2019

Leonid Zotov, Length of Day Analysis, 6-year Signal and Edge Effects, talk at AOGS-2019 SE10-A013, Singapore, 30/07/2019

Natalia Frolova, Vadim Grigoriev, Leoid Zotov, Application of the satellite system of the Earth's gravity field measurement for the evaluation of water balance in river catchments, talk at International conference ''Water sustainability in a changing world'', Bucharest, Romania, 11-14 june 2019

Zotov L., Bizouard C. Ocean influence on the Earth rotation , talk at KIMO-2019, Sevastopol, Russia, 25 April 2019.



Leonid Zotov, Xueqing Xu, Yonghong Zhou, Arkadiy Skorobogatov, Combined SAI-SHAO Prediction of Earth Orientation Parameters since 2012 till 2017, Geodesy and Geodynamics, Volume 9, Issue 6, November 2018, Pages 485-490, KeAi, 2018.

Zhiliang Guo, Wenbin Shen, Leonid Zotov, A Short Note On Derivation of Fluid Outer Core Angular Momentum Equation, proceedings of Journees 2017, p. 25-29, Alicante.

Sidorenkov N.S., Chazov V.V., Zotov L.V., Wilson I., 206 Day Lunar Cycles in Weather Anomalies. Nature, Nauka, Moscow, No 4, pp. 19-23, 2018

Frolova N.L., Grigoriev V.Yu, Zotov L.V., Applications of the satellite system of the Earth's gravity field measurement for the evaluation of water balance in river catchments in Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges. International Geographical Union Thematic Conference dedicated to the Centennial of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4-6 June 2018, Moscow.

Zotov L., C. Bizouard Escargot Effect and the Chandler Wobble Excitation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 955, conference 1, 012033, 2018, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/955/1/012033.

confereces & talks

Leonid Zotov, Panteleev's filtering as a regularizing algorithm for Chandler excitation reconstruction, talk at Kudryavtsev conference RUDN, Moscow, 27/11/2018

Leonid Zotov, Chaoyang Zhang, Panteleev's corrective filtering as the regularizing algorithm for the Earth's Chandler wobble excitation reconstruction, poster at AGU fall meeting, Washington DC, USA, 12 December 2018, AGU Abstract 362235, G 31B-0658

L. Zotov, Panteleev's filtering as a regularizing algorithm for the Chandler excitation reconstruction , talk at the 5th International conference Functional spaces. Differential operators. Problems of mathematical education 28 october 2018.

L. Zotov, Time in science and arts: interdisciplinary view, talk at 1st TAFA Workshop, 26 September 2018, School of Geodesy and Geomatics of Wuhan University

L. Zotov, Panteleev's corrective filtering as the regularizing algorithm for the Earth's Chandler wobble excitation reconstruction, talk at workshop, organized at School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, 26 July 2018.

N.A. Chujkova, Zh.F. Rodionova, T.G.Maksimova, E.A. Grishakina, L.V. Zotov, Analysis of the Lunar Surface Topography and Correlation Connection of the Relief with Gravitational Field; Preliminary Conclusions on the Global Density Inhomogeneties of the Moon Crust, talk at ISGG symposium , Kunmin, 1 August 2018

L. Zotov, C. Bizouard, C.K. Shum, Climate Induced Mass Changes and Earth Rotation Trends, talk at ISGG symposium , Kunmin, 1 August 2018

L. Zotov, How ocean affects Earth rotation, lecture at summer school, organized at School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, 5 August 2018

L. Zotov, Pantellev filtering as a regularizing algorithm for Chandler excitation reconstruction, talk at TibXS-2018 conference, Zhangye, 8 August 2018

L. Zotov, How ocean affects Earth rotation, talk at International Conference Fluxes And Structures In Fluids, Vladivostok, Russia, 10 August 2018

Leonid Zotov, Christian Bizouard, CheKwan Shum, and Vera Zinovieva Analysis of the Second Degree Stokes Coefficients of Geopotential and Earth Rotation Trends , talk at EGU General Assembly 2018 , 10 April 2018.

Natalia Frolova, Vadim Grigoriev, Leonid Zotov Gravity Changes over Russian River Basins from GRACE, IGU Regional Conference, 6-10 August 2018, Quebec, Canada

Frolova N.L., Grigoriev V.Yu, Zotov L.V., Krylenko I.N., Application Of The Satellite System Of The Earth’s Gravity Field Measurement For The Evaluation Of Water Balance In River Catchments Practical Geography and XXI Century Challenges, International Geographical Union Thematic Conference dedicated to the Centennial of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Russia, 4-6 June 2018

popular lectures and talks

L. Zotov, Total Lunar eclipse and Mars opposition, talk at Liesmars, Wuhan University Geoscice cafe, 25 July 2018.

Four lectures on Astronomy and Geodynamics at Scoltech, Russia, 6,8,13,15 November 2018.

L. Zotov, The legend trough space and time, lecture on astronomy at Wuhan University astronomical society, 13 October 2018.

L. Zotov The Earth from space and climate changes, lecture on astronomy at Arche, 30 May 2018.

L. Zotov, Three lecture on geodynamics for Postnauka, recorede in June 2018.



Zotov L., Frolova N., Yushkin V., About some ahivements of GRACE misson, Navigation using gravity field of the Earth and its metrological support conference reporets book, p. 227-236, VNIIFTRI, Mendeleevo, 2017

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N.S., C. Bizouard, C.K. Shum, Wenbin Shen Multichannel singular spectrum analysis of the axial atmospheric angular momentum, Geodesy and Geodynamics, Volume 8, Issue 6, 2017, Pages 433-442, KeAi, China, doi:10.1016/j.geog.2017.02.010.

Frolova Natalia L., Belyakova Pelagiya A., Grigoriev Vadim Yu, Sazonov Alexey A., Zotov Leonid V., Jerker Jarsjo, Runoff fluctuations in the Selenga River Basin, Regional Environmental Change, Springer Verlag (Germany), Vol 17, p. 1-12, 2017

Zotov L., Balakireva E. Study of the variations of the coefficient J2 of gravitational expansion by means of MSSA , Proceedings of the International 44th Uspensky readings, Page 129, January 2017, Moscow, Shmidt institute of physics of the Earth.

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N., Bizouard C., Pastushenkova M. Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis of the Atmospheric Angular Momentum, Pulkovo observatory reports, Proceedings of the VI astronomical conference of young scientists, Vol. 224, Pages 49-64, St. Petersrburg, 2016.

Frolova N. L., Belyakova P.A., Grigorev V.Yu., Sazonov A.A., Zotov L.V. Many-Year Variations of River Runoff in the Selenga Basin , Water resources, Vol. 44, No 3, Pages 359-371, Moscow, 2017.

confereces & talks

Zotov L.V., Bizouard C., Shum C.K. What GRACE satellites can say about Earth rotation, poster at Contemporary problems of the remote sensing of Earth from space. Institute of Space Research, Moscow, Russia, 14 November 2017.

Frolova N.L., Grigoriev V.Yu, Zotov L.V., Sazonov A.A., Kireeva M.B., Magritsky D.V., Agafonova S.A., Evaluation of water balance in large Russian river catchments with the help of satellite system of the earth's gravity field measurement (GRACE), International research-to-practice conference WATER SUSTAINABILITY IN THE XXI CENTURY: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS, Ulan-Ude, Russia, 16-20 august 2017

Frolova N.L., Zotov L.V., Grigoriev V.Y., Kireeva M.B., Application of the satellite system of the earth’s gravity field measurement (GRACE) for the evaluation of seasonal and inter-annual runoff variations, poster at Northern European Low Flow and Drought Group meeting, Freiburg, Germany, 10-13 october 2017

Zotov L., Bizouard Ch., Study of the long-term Chandler wobble talk at Fundamental and applyed problems of Mechanics , at Bauman Technical University, 26 October 2017, Moscow, Russia.

Zotov L., Bizouard Ch., Study of the long-term Chandler wobble and its excitation talk at Journees 2017 , 25 September 2017, Alicante, Spain.

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N., Bizouard Ch., Chandler wobble in sight of climate modulations talk at 17th Gamow School-Conference , 18 August 2017, Odessa, Ukraine.

Zotov L., Bizouard Ch., Analysis of the Chandler wobbling of the pole talk (in absentia) at the Conference Mathematics in the Modern World, 17 August 2017, Novosibirsk, Russia.

Zotov L., Skorobogatov A., Xu X., Combined SHAO-SAI predictions of Earth rotation talk (in absentia) at APSG-2017 , 16 August 2017, Shanghai, China.

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N., Bizouard Ch., Chandler wobble in sight of climate modulations talk at AOGS 2017 , 9 August 2017, Singapor.

Zotov L., Balakireva E., Spherical analysisi of the Atmospheric Angular Momentum talk at "Theory and Computational Methods for Inverse and Ill-posed Problems" dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Academician M. M. Lavrentiev. , 26-2 July 2017, Novosibirsk, Russia.

Natalia Frolova, Leonid Zotov, Vadim Grigoriev, Alexey Sazonov, Maria Kireeva, and Inna Krylenko Application of the satellite system of the earth's gravity field measurement (GRACE) for the evaluation of water balance in large Russian river catchments talk at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, EGU2017-9128, 18 April 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N., Bizouard Ch. Earth rotation in sight of climate modulations talk at SEMINAIRES "Temps & Espace" (IMCCE - SYRTE) , 18 April 2017, Paris, SYRTE.

Zotov L., Vlasova V., Balakireva E., Pastushenkova M. Ocean bottom pressure from GRACE talk at II Russian conference of young scientists ``Complex studies of world ocean'' KIMO -2017, Institute of oceanography RAS, 10-15 April 2017, Moscow.

Zotov L., Frolova N. Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analyzis of data from GRACE satellites talk at Navigation from gravity field of the Earth symposium, 15 February 2017, Moscow, VNIIFTRI.

Zotov L., Balakireva E. Study of the variations of the coefficient J2 of gravitational expansion by means of MSSA, poster at International 44th Uspensky readings, January 2017, Moscow, Shmidt institute of physics of the Earth.

C.K. Shum, Kun Shang, Junyi Guo, Yu Zhang, Ehsan Forootan, Orhan Akyilmaz, Chunli Dai, Chungyen Kuo, Jurgen Kusche, Runqiu Lau, Ganming Liu, Michael Schmidt, Frank Schwartz, Min Zhong, Leonid Zotov GRACE High-Frequency Temporal Gravity Solution on Hydrology Applications, talk at Fourth Swarm Science Meeting and Geodetic Missions Workshop (SWARM), March 2017.



Zotov L., Bizouard C., Shum C.K. A possible interrelation between Earth rotation and climatic variability at decadal time-scale , Geodesy and Geodynamics, Volume 7, Issue 3, May 2016, Pages 216-222, KeAi, China, doi:10.1016/j.geog.2016.05.005, 2016.

Zotov L., Balakireva E. Study of the variations of the coefficient J2 of gravitational expansion, Proceedings of the 4th Tectonophysics conference, Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, 3-8 October 2016.

Leonid Zotov, Elena Scheplova MSSA of globally gridded OAM from ECCO, AAM from ECMWF, and gravity from GRACE, IEEE publications of 2016 Third International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, and Wireless Communications (DIPDMWC), 6-8 July 2016, Moscow, Russia, doi: 10.1109/DIPDMWC.2016.7529376

Zotov L., Bizouard C., Shum C.K. About possible interrrelation between Earth rotation and Climate variability over recent 150 years, Pulkovo observatory reports, Russian astrometry conference "Pulkovo-2015", Vol. 223, Pages 103-108, St. Petersrburg, 2016.

L. Zotov, Frolova N.L., Shum C.K., Gravity Anomalies in the Basins of Major Russian Rivers, Priroda No 5, pp. 3-8, RAS, Moscow, Russia, April 2016.

L. Zotov, V. Vlasova, Variations of the ocean bottom pressure from GRACE satellites proceedings of Complex study of Russian seas conference , Sevastopol, Russia, April 2016.

confereces & talks

Zotov L.V., Pastushenkova M.V. MSSA of the Geophyscial time series, talk at MATHEMATICS,PHYSICS,INFORMATICS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION, International school-conference for young scientists Moscow Technological University MIREA, Moscow, Russia, 12-15 December 2016.

Zotov L.V. MSSA of the gravity field of the Earth from GRACE and atmospheric angular momentum from ECMWF, talk at Contemporary problems of the remote sensing of Earth from space. Institute of Space Research, Moscow, Russia, 15 November 2016.

Zotov L., Sidorenkov N.S., Chujkova N.A. Climate change signals and LOD , talk at the GRACE Science Team Meeting GSTM-2016, Potsdam, 5-7 October 2016.

Grigorev V., Frolova N., Zotov L., Gelfan A., Motovilov Yu., Krylenko I, Water balance of river basins of the European Russia , poster at the GRACE Science Team Meeting GSTM-2016, Potsdam, 5-7 October 2016.

Zotov L., Balakireva E. Study of the variations of the gravitational expansion coefficient J2, poster at the 4th Tectonophysics conference, Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, 3-8 October 2016.

L. Zotov, N. Frolova, E. Kyzyngasheva, C.K. Shum, Variations of the Ocean Bottom Pressure from GRACE satellites, talk and poster at International Scientific and Practical Conference "BRICS Water Forum" , Moscow, 29 - 30 September 2016, NRU HSE

L. Zotov, V. Vlasova, Variations of the Ocean Bottom Pressure from GRACE satellites, poster at International Conference "Supercomputer Simulations in Science and Engineering" , Moscow, 6 - 10 September 2016, NRU HSE

L. Zotov, Chandler wobble amplitude changes and excitation analysis talk at 16 Gamow school, Odessa, Ukraine, 14 - 20 August 2016.

L. Zotov, Ch. Bizouard, Study of the Chandler wobble characteristics talk at AOGS-2016, Beijing, China, 31 July - 5 August 2016.

L. Zotov, Frolova N.L., Shum C.K., Gravity changes over Russia from GRACE talk at TibXS-2016, Tianjing, China, 26-30 July 2016.

L. Zotov, MSSA of globally gridded AAM talk at ISGG-2016, Tianjing, China, 22-25 July 2016.

Zotov L., Schindelegger M., Bizouard C., MSSA of globally gridded AAM talk at GAGER-2016, Wuhan, China, 18-23 July 2016.

Bizouard C.,Zotov L., Ibnu Nurul Huda, Frequency and damping of the Chandler wobble determined from the fluid layer excitation. talk at GAGER-2016, Wuhan, China, 18-23 July 2016.

L. Zotov, E. Scheplova, V. Vlasova, Variations of the ocean bottom pressure from GRACE satellites talk at The Third International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, and Wireless Communications (DIPDMWC2016) NRU HSE , Moscow, Russia, 6-8 July 2016.

L. Zotov, V. Vlasova, Variations of the ocean bottom pressure from GRACE satellites poster at Complex study of Russian seas conference , Sevastopol, Russia, April 2016.

Leonid Zotov, Michael Schindelegger, Christian Bizouard MSSA of globally gridded AAM Poster at EGU General Assembly 2016. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2016-309-6, 2016.

Zotov L.On possible interrelations between Climate Changes and Earth Rotation Talk at the Russian Geographical Society, section Meteorology and Climatology, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russia, 23 March 2016.

Leonid Zotov, About possible interrrelation between Climate and Earth rotationover recent 150 years. Sagitov readings, Moscow, February 2016



L. Zotov, Frolova N.L., Grigorev V.Yu., Harlamov M.A. Using gravity measurement satellites GRACE to access large river basins water balance. Moscow University Geography Bulletin, Vol. 4, 2015, Pages 27-33

Kaftan V.I., Sermiagin R., Leonid Zotov Gravity field, Russian national geodetic report, International scientific, technical and industrial journal "Geo Science" No 3, 2015, pp. 22-28, Geodozor, Moscow, Russia.

Gorshkov V.L, Malkin Z.M., Leonid Zotov Earth's rotation, Russian national geodetic report, International scientific, technical and industrial journal "Geo Science" No 3, 2015, pp. 44-52, Geodozor, Moscow, Russia.

Natalya Frolova, Leonid Zotov New opportunity for indesciplinary research: Earth gravity field and hydrology Proceedings of Vinogradov conference "Arts of hydrology" , Saint Petersburg University, Russia, 18-22 November 2015.

L. Zotov, C. Bizouard Regional atmospheric influence on the Chandler wobble, Advances in Space Research, Volume 55, Issue 5, March 2015, Pages 1300-1306, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2014.12.013

Aibulatov D., Zotov L., Frolova N., Chalov S. New insights in remote sensing applications to obtain information about water bodies, Earth from Space August 2015

Zotov L., Bizouard C., Reconstruction of prograde and retrograde Chandler excitation, Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed problems, Volume 24, Issue 1, P 99-105, Feb 2016, DOI: 10.1515/jiip-2013-0085, May 2015

L. Zotov, N. Sidorenkov, C. Bizouard About Moon as possible climatological factor, Publications of GAO, Pulkovo, 2015

V. S. Kozyreva, A. I. Bogomazov, B. P. Demkov, L. V. Zotov, A. V. Tutukov An Exo-Jupiter Candidate in the Eclipsing Binary FL Lyr Astronomy Reports , 2015, Vol. 59, No. 11, pp. 1035-1051

Zotov L., Bizouard C. Prediction of the Chandler wobble Proceedings of Journees 2014, p. 198-201, Pulkovo, Russia

Bizouard C., Zotov L., Sidorenkov N.: Lunar influence on equatorial atmospheric angular momentum Proceedings of Journees 2014, p. 163-166, Pulkovo, Russia

Zotov L., Frolova N., Telegina A.A., Gravity changes in the large river basins of Russia Almanac of contemporary metrology, N3 p 142-158, VNIIFRI 2015

confereces & talks

Natalya Frolova, Leonid Zotov New opportunity for indesciplinary research: Earth gravity field and hydrology talk at Vinogradov conference "Arts of hydrology" , Saint Petersburg University, Russia, 18-22 November 2015.

Leonid Zotov MSSA and reconstruction of the Chandler wobble talk at International seminar on Inverse and ill-posed problems , Moscow, Russia, 20 November 2015.

Leonid Zotov, Natalya Frolova, C.K. Shum Poster at the conference Contemporary problems of the remote sensing of Earth from space. Institute of Space Research, Moscow, Russia, 18-20 November 2015.

L. Zotov, Frolova N. Shum C.K. Mass anomalies over Russian rivers from GRACE, talk at Marine Research and Education conference, Moscow, MSU, 19-22 October 2015

L. Zotov, Bizouard C. Prediction of the Chandler wobble and Climate change, talk at Russian astrometric conference "Pulkovo-2015", Pulkovo, 22 September 2015

L.V. Zotov, Ch. Bizouard, E.V. Shcheplova, Interrelation between Climate Change and Earth rotation, talk at APSG-2015, Moscow, 25 August 2015

L. Zotov, Frolova N., Shum C.Mass changes in the hydrological basins of Russia from GRACE, talk at IGU-2015, Moscow, 17 August 2015

L. Zotov Comparision of Earth rotation and Climate Change, talk at IGU-2015, Moscow, 19 August 2015

L. Zotov, C. Bizouard , E. Shcheplova Interrelations between Climate change and Earth rotation , talk at TibXS-2015, Kunming, China, July 2015

L. Zotov, N. Frolova , C.K. Shum Mass redistribution over Russia from GRACE , talk at TibXS-2015, Kunming, China, July 2015

L. Zotov, N. Sidorenkov, C.K. Shum Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis of Axial Atmospheric Angular Momentum , talk at IUGG, Prague, June 2015, IUGG-0572

L. Zotov, C. Bizouard Prediction of the Chandler Wobble and Climate Variability , talk at IUGG, Prague, June 2015, IUGG-0613

L. Zotov, C. Bizouard, E. Shcheplova, Interrelations between climate change and Earth rotation, Poster Dynamical processes in Geospheres, Moscow, IDG, 15 June 2015

L. Zotov, C. Bizouard, E. Shcheplova, Interrelations between climate change and Earth rotation, Talk SATEP-2015, Shepsi, 26 May 2015

L. Zotov, Similarities in the climate change and Earth rotation, Talk at the Natinal Geodesy Section, Moscow, MIIGAIK , 20 January 2015

Works and publications by Leonid Zotov



N. Sidorenkov, C. Bizouard, L. Zotov, D. Salstein, Atmospheric Angular Momentum , Priroda, 2014, Vol. 4, p. 22-28, RAS (in russian)

C. Bizouard, L. Zotov, N. Sidorenkov Lunar influence on atmospheric angular momentum, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Volume 119, Issue 21, Pages 11920?11931, 2014, Wiley, DOI: 10.1002/2014JD022240

Zotov L., Bizouard C. Study of the prograde and retrograde excitation at the Chandler frequency Proceedings of Journees 2013, 17 September, 2013, Paris, France

L.V. Zotov, C.K. Shum, N.L. Frolova, Gravity changes over Russian rivers basins from GRACE, Chapter 3 in Planetary Exploration and Science: Recent Results and Advances, Springer, 2015.

Zotov L. Earth rotates quicker, popular article in GEO, 8 August, 2014, Moscow

confereces & talks

L. Zotov "Changes of gravity field over Russia from Grace", Talk at the seminar "Perspectives of space gravity research" of VNIIFTRI, 20 November 2014

L. Zotov "Empirical modes decomposition for climatological time series" Talk at Mathematical methods: Application to Earth Sciences, MSU, 15-19 November 2014

Leonid Zotov, Viktor Yushkin, Jaakko Makinen, Mirjam Bilker-Koivula, Roman Sermyagin, and Natalya Frolova Mass changes over Russia from GRACE and absolute gravimetry, Poster at the conference Contemporary problems of the remote sensing of Earth from space. Institute of Space Research, Moscow, Russia, 11-14 November 2014.

L. Zotov Sea level and ocean buttom pressure changes from space altimetry and GRACE Talk at Sea studies and education, MSU, 22-24 October 2014

Leonid Zotov, Viktor Yushkin, Jaakko Makinen, Mirjam Bilker-Koivula, Roman Sermyagin, and Natalya Frolova Mass changes over Russia from GRACE and absolute gravimetry, Poster at GSTM-2014, section B2 , Potsdam, 22-24 September 2014

Leonid Zotov, Christian Bizouard Prediction of the Chandler wobble, Talk at Journees-2014, Pulkovo, 22-24 September 2014

Leonid Zotov, Christian Bizouard, and Nikolay Sidorenkov ON POSSIBLE INTERCONNECTIONS BETWEEN CLIMATE CHANGE AND EARTH ROTATION, Talk at COSPAR-2014, MSU , 8 August 2014

Leonid Zotov, C.K. Shum, and Natalya Frolova Mass anomalies and trends over Russia from GRACE Talk at IGFS-2014, Shanghai Observatory, 4 July 2014.

Leonid Zotov, Christian Bizouard, and Nikolay Sidorenkov Study of some components of the Atmospheric Angular Momentum Talk at V Pulkovo youth conference 2014. GAO RAN, Pulkovo , 10 June 2014

Leonid Zotov, Natalya Frolova, C.K. Shum Gravity change over Russian rivers basins from GRACE satellites. Talk at the L'Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Toulous, France, 20 May 2014.

Leonid Zotov, Christian Bizouard, and Nikolay Sidorenkov Common oscillations in Global Earth Temperature, Sea Level, and Earth rotation Poster at EGU General Assembly 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-5683, 2014.

Christian Bizouard, Leonid Zotov, and Nikolay Sidorenkov Moon influence on equatorial atmospheric angular momentum Poster at EGU General Assembly 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-6488, 2014.

Leonid Zotov, Natalya Frolova, C.K. Shum Multichannel singular spectrum analysis of the gravity field data from GRACE satellites. Talk at the Lomonosov readings, section Astronomy and Geophysics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 17 April 2014.

Zotov L.On possible interrelations between Climate Changes and Earth Rotation Talk at the Russian Geographical Society, section Meteorology and Climatology, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russia, 17 February 2014.



Zotov L., Chulkov D., Sergeeva N., Kuznetsova L., Krivorotko O. Study of the atmospheric angular momentum in the Chandler frequency band. Proceedings of the 40 Uspensky seminar, Moscow, 28-31 January 2013, Pages 158-163

C. Bizouard, L. Zotov Asymmetric effects on polar motion, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Volume 116, Issue 2, pp 195-212, June 2013

Zotov L., On the similarities between the Earth rotation and Climate Change. Proceedings of the VNKSF-19 conference, Arkhangelsk, 28/3-5/4/2013, Pages 291-292

Zotov L.V. Sea Level And Global Earth Temperature Changes have common oscillations, Odessa Astronomical Publications, vol. 26/2 (2013), p 289-291

confereces & talks

Zotov L., N. Frolova, M. Harlamov Regional gravity changes from GRACE satellites Talk at the conference Contemporary problems of the remote sensing of Earth from space. Institute of Space Research, Moscow, Russia, 11-15 November 2013.

Zotov L., N. Frolova, M. Harlamov Gravity changes over Russian rivers basins from GRACE satellite Talk at the colloquium of the Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Missouri, 29 October 2013, Columbia, Missouri, USA

Zotov L., N. Frolova, M. Harlamov Gravity changes over Russian rivers basins from GRACE Talk at GSTM 2013, 23-25 October, 2013, Austin, Texas, USA

Zotov L. Chandler Excitation and Temperature Changes on Earth Talk at APSG 2013, 14-17 October, 2013, Columbus, Ohio, USA

Zotov L. , N. Frolova, M. Harlamov Gravity changes over Russian rivers basins from GRACE poster at APSG 2013, 14-17 October, 2013, Columbus, Ohio, USA

Zotov L., Bizouard C. Study of the prograde and retrograde excitation at the Chandler frequency Talk at Journees 2013, 17 September, 2013, Paris, France

Zotov L., Interrelation between the Climate Change and Earth rotation Talk at the TibXS 2013, 28/07-1/08 Yining, 2013, China

Zotov L., Approaches to the inverse problems solving on examples of the Earth rotation dynamics Talk at the The Third International Workshop on Computational Inverse Problems and Applications, July 8-12, Nanchang, China

Zotov L., Bizourad C.Influence of the atmosphere and ocean on the resonant polar motion Talk at the IAPS 2013,July 1-4, Shanghai

Zotov L., Gravity field from GRACE and floods. Talk at the Sagitov reading 2013, Moscow, 22/4

Zotov L., Chulkov D., Sergeeva N., Kuznetsova L., Krivorotko O. Study of the atmospheric angular momentum in the Chandler frequency band. Talk at the 40 Uspensky seminar, Moscow, 28-31 January 2013

Zotov L., On the similarities between the Earth rotation and climate change. Talk at the VNKSF-19 conference, Arkhangelsk, 28/3-5/4, 2013

Zotov L., Gravity field from GRACE and floods. Talk at the VNKSF-19 conference, Arkhangelsk, 28/3-5/4, 2013

other activities

Article in about gravity changes over Russia from GRACE.



L. Zotov On the similarities between Earth rotation and temperature changes. "Odessa Astronomical Publications", N 2, p 225, 2012, proceedings of the XII -th G. Gamow's Odessa Astronomical Summer Conference'

L. Zotov, C. Bizourad On modulations of the Chandler wobble excitation , Journal of Geodynamics, special issue "Earth rotation", N 62 (2012) p. 30?34, DOI: 10.1016/j.jog.2012.03.010

L. Zotov, V.L. Panteleev Filtering and inverse problems solving, in Computational Methods for Applied Inverse Problems Edited by Y. F. Wang, A. G. Yagola and C. C. Yang, De Gruyter & Higher Education Press, June 2012, Pages 169-194

X. Q. Xu, L. Zotov and Y. H. Zhou Combined Prediction of Earth Orientation Parameters, in China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2012 Proceedings Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2012, Volume 160, Part 2, 361-369, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29175-3_32

Zotov, L. Application of Multichannel singular spectrum analysis to geophysical fields and astronomical images. Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics, 2, 82-84 (2012) proceedings of the 18th Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics , May 2 - 7, 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine.

confereces & talks

Xueqing Xu, Yonghong Zhou, Leonid Zotov Research on prediction of Earth orientation parameters. Talk at the IAU XXVIII General Assembly 28 August, 2012, Beijing, China.

L.V. Zotov, N.S. Sidorenkov, Y.H. Zhou Comparison of changes in Earth rotation with temperature changes in the recent century. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012 20-25 May, 2012, Tokyo.

L.V. Zotov Reconstruction if the Chandler excitation by corrective filtering method. Talk at 80-years of Lavrentyev conference ``Inverse and ill-posed problems of mathematical physics'' 9 August, 2012, Novosibirsk, Russia.

L.V. Zotov Methods of reconstruction of the Chandler excitation of the pole. Talk at the conference-school ``Theory and numerical methods of Inverse and ill-posed problems solving'' 13 August, 2012, Novosibirsk, Russia.

L.V. Zotov About amplitude changes of Chandler wobble of the pole. Talk at the XII -th G. Gamow's Odessa Astronomical Summer Conference-School'' 24 August, 2012, Odessa, Ukraine.

L.V. Zotov The search for explanations of the Chandler wobble amplitude changes. Talk at Wuhan institute of Geodesy and Geophysics 15 June, 2012, Wuhan, China.

X. Q. Xu, L. Zotov and Y. H. Zhou Combined Prediction of Earth Orientation Parameters, talk at China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2012

other activities

Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellowship for Young International Scientists grant finished.

RFBR grant 12-02-31184 for young scientist obtained.



Zotov L. Analysis of Chandler wobble excitation, reconstructed from observations of the polar motion of the Earth , Journees 2010 "Systemes de reference spatio-temporels", with the sub-title "New challenges for reference systems and numerical standards in astronomy" 20 to 22 September 2010, Paris, France. p. 188-191

L.V. Zotov Theory of filtering and time series processing, course of lectures, MSU, Physics faculty, 2011

confereces & talks

L.V. Zotov, Y.H. Zhou, C.K. Shum MSSA-processing of satellite observations: ice-sheet ablation, sea level rise and greenhouse gas increase. Climate change Beijing 18-20 October, 2011, Beijing.

Leonid Zotov, Earth orientation parameters prediction techniques. ShAO 2 September, 2011, Shanghai.

Leonid Zotov Application of Multichannel singular spectrum analysis to geophysical fields and astronomical images. On the modulations of Chandler motion of the pole. ShAO 11 August, 2011, Shanghai.

Leonid Zotov On modulations of Chandler motion of the pole. TibXS-11, July 22-26, 2011, Xining, QingHai .

Leonid Zotov On the modulations in Chandler excitation. Sagitov readings, 30-31 May, 2011, SAI, Moscow.

Zotov, L. Observations of Earth from satellites and global warming, Astrofest-2011 , May 12 - 15, 2011, Moscow.

Zotov, L. Application of Multichannel singular spectrum analysis to geophysical fields and astronomical images. 18th Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics , May 2 - 7, 2011, Kyiv, Ukraine.

other activities

Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellowship for Young International Scientists grant obtained.



M. Kalarus, H. Schuh, W. Kosek, O. Akyilmaz, Ch. Bizouard, D. Gambis, R. Gross, B. Jovanovi, S. Kumakshev, H. Kutterer, P. J. Mendes Cerveira, S. Pasynok, L. Zotov, Achievements of the Earth orientation parameters prediction comparison campaign , Journal of Geodesy, Volume 84, Number 10, 587-596, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-010-0387-1

L. Zotov, Dynamical modeling and excitation reconstruction as fundamental of Earth rotation prediction , Artificial Satellites , Volume 45, Number 2 / 2010, p. 95-106, Warsaw, Proceedings of IERS Workshop on EOP Combination and Prediction Warsaw, 19-21 October 2009

L. Zotov, Nosova S.A., Barynov M.V. Multichannel singular spectrum analysis of gravity field data from GRACE satellites (in russian), Proceedings of the 37 Uspensky seminar, Moscow, 25-29 January 2010, Pages 151-156

L. Zotov, Satellite observations of the Earth and global warming, Proceedings of the 10th G. Gamow's Odessa Astronomical Summer School 23-28 August, 2010, Odessa, Ukraine. p 189-194.

confereces & talks

Zotov, L., Barynov, M.,Nosova, S., Huang, Z., Shum, C.K. Application of multichannel singular spectrum analysis to GRACE data. GRACE science team meeting -2010, Potsdam, 11-12 November 2010.

Zotov L.: Analysis of Chandler wobble excitation, reconstructed from observations of the polar motion of the Earth talk , Journees 2010 "Systemes de reference spatio-temporels", with the sub-title "New challenges for reference systems and numerical standards in astronomy" 20 to 22 September 2010, Paris, France.

L. Zotov, Satellite observations of the Earth and global warming (plenary talk), The 10th G. Gamow's Odessa Astronomical Summer School 23-28 August, 2010, Odessa, Ukraine.

Leonid Zotov, Michael Barynov, Svetlana Nosova, Zhenwei Huang, and C.K. Shum, Application of multichannel singular spectrum analysis to satellites measurements, (talk), Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics conference, "Progress in Space Geodesy and Earth Environment Change" 16-20 August, 2010, Shanghai, China.

L. Zotov, Chandler wobble excitation reconstruction and analysis, (poster), Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics conference, "Progress in Space Geodesy and Earth Environment Change" 16-20 August, 2010, Shanghai, China.

L. Zotov, Chandler wobble excitation reconstruction and analysis, The Second International Workshop on Computational Inverse Problems and Applications A workshop at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China July 12 – July 15, 2010

L. Zotov, Analysis of the Chandler wobble excitation, reconstructed from the polar motion of the Earth observations, talk at the Joined Astrometry Seminar The Central Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences at Pulkovo 23 June 2010

L. Zotov, Nosova S.A., Barynov M.V., Huang Zh. Shum C.K. Multichannel singular spectrum analysis in application to GRACE and Jason-1 satellites data. EGU2010-6288, talk at the EGU general assembley 2-7 May 2010

Zotov L. Chandler wobble excitation reconstruction and analysis. EGU2010-5754, poster at the EGU general assembley 2-7 May 2010

Zotov L.V., Barynov M.V., Nosova S.A. Multichannel singular spectrum analysis of the global geophysical data from satellites. talk at the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology 9 April 2010

Zotov L.V. Multichannel singular spectrum analysis of the global geophysical data from satellites. talk at the section of meteorology and climatology Russian Geographycal Society 15 March 2010

Zotov L.V., Nosova S.A., Barynov M.V. Multichannel singular spectrum analysis of data from satellites GRACE and Jason. Sagitov conference 2010, SAI MSU

L. Zotov, Nosova S.A., Barynov M.V. Multichannel singular spectrum analysis of gravity field data from GRACE satellites (in russian), 37 Uspensky seminar, Moscow, 25-29 January 2010, talk

other activities

Grant of President of Russia MK-4234.2009.5 finished



L. Zotov, C.K. Shum. Singular spectrum analysis of GRACE observations, American Institute of Physics Proceedings, of the 9th Gamow summer school 17-23 August, 2009, Odessa, Ukraine.


Zotov L., Shum C.K Singular spectral analysis of GRACE observations Climate, Statistics, and Satellites, a symposium in honor of Jerry North , June 8-10, 2009, Presidential Conference Center, Texas A&M University, talk

2009 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Conference, 19-21 April 2009, Washington DC, visitor

Zotov L., Shum C.K., Singular spectrum analysis of GRACE observations. AGU Joint Assembley, Toronto, Canada 24-27 May 2009 poster

Zotov L., Time Series Prediction, talk at Ana Mendes University System, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 8 May 2009

L. Zotov Comparative Analysis of Benthic Foraminiferal Isotopic Records From Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Over the Past 1 Myr , AGU Chapman Conference on Abrupt Climate Change, Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 15-19 June 2009 poster

L. Zotov, C.K. Shum. Singular spectrum analysis of GRACE observations , 9th Gamow summer school 17-23 August, 2009, Odessa, Ukraine.

L. Zotov, M. Kaufman, Dynamical modeling as fundamental of Earth rotation prediction, IERS Workshop on EOP Combination and Prediction, Warsaw, 19-21 October 2009, talk

other activities

Fulbright grant finished

Grant of President of Russia obtained



Zotov L.V., Koryakin E.D. Density modelling of the transform fauls Andrew Bain. 10-th Fedynsky conference, Moscow, 27-29 February, 2008r.


Barkin Yu.V, Holin I.V, Zotov L.V. Some effects in the rotation of Mercury from the radio ranging mesurements. Sagitov conference 2008, SAI MSU

Zotov L.V., Koryakin E.D. Density modelling of the transform fauls Andrew Bain. 10-th Fedynsky conference, Moscow, 27-29 February, 2008, poster.

H. Schuh , W. Kosek , M. Kalarus, O. Akyilmaz , D. Gambis, R. Gross , B. Jovanovic , S. Kumakshev, H. Kutterer , P. J. Mendes Cerveira, S. Pasynok , L. Zotov Earth Orientation Parameters Prediction Comparison Campaign: first summary EGU General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 13 - 18 April 2008

Barkin, Yu.V.; Ferrandiz, J.M.; Zotov, L.V. Semi-empirical model of free and forced Mercury librations in longitude on the data of ground radar-tracking observations, European Planetary Science Congress 21-26 September, 2008 , talk

GRACE Science Team Meeting, December 12-13, 2008, San Francisco, California, visitor

Zotov L. Filtering techniques to enhance signal extraction from geodetic time series. AGU Fall Meeting , 15-19 December 2008, San Francisco, poster

other activities

Participation in the organizing cometee of the Sagitov conference 2-5 February 2008, SAI MSU

Participation in the organizing cometee of the Russian - Japanese Lunar Planetary Conference, 29 September 2008, SAI MSU

Fulbright grant obtained



S. G. Skolotnev, N. N. Turko, S. Yu. Sokolov, A. A. Peive, N. V. Tsukanov, S. Yu. Kolodyazhnyi, N. P. Chamov, Yu. E. Baramykov, A. S. Ponomarev, V. N. Efimov, A. E. Eskin, V. V. Petrova, L. A. Golovina, V. Yu. Lavrushin, E. A. Letyagina, E. P. Shevchenko, K. V. Krivosheya, L. V. Zotov New data on the geological structure of the junction of the Cape Verde Rise, Cape Verde Abyssal Basin, and Bathymetrists Seamounts (Central Atlantic Ocean) , Doklady Earth Sciences, Volume 416, Issue 7, 2007, pp.1037-1041


7-th G. Gamow’s Odessa Astronomical summer school, Odessa, Ukraine, Chernomorka, 7-12 August, 2007, Zotov L., Filtration in astronomy and geophysics, talk

Schuh, H.; Kosek, W.; Kalarus, M. ; Akyilmaz, O.; Bizouard, C.; Gambis, D.; Gross, R.; Kumakshev, S.; Kutterer, H.; Zotov, L. First Results of the Earth Orientation Parameters Prediction Comparison Campaign. EGU06-A-01228


expeditions and other activities

23 geophysical expedition of the Scientific vehicle "Academician Nikolay Strakhov" to the transform zone Andrew Bain, report , presentation , article

Participation in the Earth orientation parameters prediction campaign



"Earth rotation: analysis of variations and their prediction" (in russian)

L. V. Zotov Dynamical modeling and prediction of Earth rotation Institute of Applied Astronomy works, vol. 13, 2005, p 228 (in russian)

Zotov L. V., Pasynok S. L.: Analysis of discrepancies of the nutation theories MHB2000 and ZP2003 from VLBI observations, Journees 2005

Zotov L. V.: Excitation function reconstruction using observations of the polar motion of the Earth, Journees 2005

Zotov L. V.: Regression methods of Earth rotation prediction, Moscow University Physics Bulletin, Vol. 5, 2005 (in russian)


Journees 2005 , Warsaw, 19-21 September 2005, two posters

Fundamental coordinate-time provision Institute of Applied Astronomy, 11-15 April, 2005, talk

Symposium "Astronomy-2005" 11-15 April, 2005, Zotov L.V., Panteleev V.L., Excitation function reconstruction from the observations of the Earth rotation, talk



Zotov L.V., Pasynok S.L. The analysis of discrepancies of the nutation theories MHB2000 and ZP2003 from VLBI observations." 2004.


Zotov L. V.: Earth rotation velocity and pole position prediction, Lomonosov-2004, Moscow

Zotov L. V.: Pole position and Earth rotation velocity prediction, Belaya Tserkov, Ukraine.



Zotov L.V. High frequency variations in the Earth rotation from VLBI and GPS observations". Proceedings of Journees 2003, Astrometry, geodynamics and solar system dynamics: from milliarcseconds to microarcseconds, IAA of RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia, ed. by A.Finkilstein and N. Capitaine, September 22-25, 2003


Zotov L. V.: High frequency variations in the Earth rotation from VLBI and GPS observations, Journees 2003, St. Petersburg

Zotov L. V.: "High frequency variations in the Earth rotation from VLBI and GPS observations", Lomonosov-2003, Moscow
