Trip over old Wuhan

In addition to Trip over old Shanghai site, we decided to collect materials on the other cities, like Wuchang, Hankou, where authour is working since 2018. You can visit Singapour, where he had a trip after wedding, Guangzhou, etc. The main materials of this page will be about Hankou - the old city at Yangze river, now the part of Wuhan - central China city, capital of Hubei province. The main goal of this project is to transfer the spirit of this cities and to keep the memories of old districts. We thank 111 plan of Wuhan University for providing possibility to work in this city.

The first trip The second trip The third trip
St. Michael church
St. Columban Catholic Church
Catholic Church of St. Joseph
The Glory Church
Russian church of Alexandr Nevsky
Nanyang brothers tobacco factory
Hanyili old district
Laotongxing sauce company
Surraundings of Changdijie and Tangjiaxiang.
The building of the Qing Dynasty Bank of Daqing
Jianghan road and surroundings
Young brothers bank
Some buildings Jiqingjie road
The building of Central China religious tract
Siming bank building
Shanghai bank building
The fourth trip The fifth trip The sixth trip
Old Dazhemen Hankou Railway station
The XIX century building at DongTing
Snt Mary French Church
Former Russian Consulate
Three old buildings belonged to American church London mission hospital The priest building at Garden hill
The Christian Worship Church
The residence of Weng Shouqian
Old buildings at Deshengqiao
Old building at Democracy road
Gude temple
The seventh trip The eighth trip The ninth trip
James Jackson gymnasium
Minsheng shipping
The church of Saint Alexander Nevsky
Poyang Street, 9
Poyang Street, 56
Hankow tea
Central China religious tract society
Wuhan University
Heritage architecture
Russian Memorial
Lihuangpi Road
The former residence of weng shouqian
Area near Wuhan Glory

The author of the project: Leonid Zotov
Consultant: Guo Zhiliang
We will be glad to hear your opinion - write to us!

The date of creation: 30 August 2018
The date of last update: 31 May 2021