Trip over old Wuhan Churches

Who is it that is tapping on my window?
Who is it that is plucking the instrument's strings?
That segment of good times that have been forgotten
Gradually rises up from the bottom of my heart
Forgotten times

St. Michael church is located at Fuxing Road 26, Wuchang It was built in 1918 by the Church of America.

St. Columban Catholic Church is located at Xiang Zheng Jie 163, Hanyang district It was built in 1936 by bishop from Ireland Edward Galvin .

Hankou Catholic Cathedral of St. Joseph at Shanghai Street 16, Wuchang, and Poyan road corner. in 1874-1876 by the Benedict British concession. It was partly destroyed during US bombing in 1944 and repaired in 1956.

The Glory Church , former Griffith church is located at HuangShiLu 26, Hanyang district It was built in 1931 to commemorate of 100th anniversary of Welsh Christian missionary Griffith John, .who spent in China 60 years and wrote a book "A voice from China",.

Russian church of Alexandr Nevsky , built in 1893 and reconstructed in 2015.

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