      planet: 4 - Mars
  satellites: M1 - Phobos: 130,
              M2 - Deimos: 118
total number: 248
        type: absolute
       dates: 1973-1988
 observatory:  84 - Pulkovo
              129 - Ordubad

   1. Kiseleva T.P. (1976) Position observations of satellites
      of Mars in 1973.
      Izwestija Glavnoj astronomiceskoj observatorii v Pulkove
      N. 194. P. 127-129.
   2. Kiseleva T. P., Orlova O. N. (1989)
      A comparison of the accuracy of position observations of
      Mars satellites made by the trace-scale method and with
      reference stars. Pulkovo, Glavnaia Astronomicheskaia Observatoriia,
      Izvestiia (ISSN 0367-7966). N 206. P. 39-43.
   3. Tolbin S.V. (1985)  
      Photographic positions of Mars and its satellites obtained with  
      the 26-arcsec refractor at Pulkovo in 1982 (In Russian) 
      Pulkovo, Glavnaia Astronomicheskaia Observatoriia, Izvestiia.  
      N. 203. P. 44-49.
   4. Kiseleva T. P., Kalinichenko O. A., Orlova O. N. (1993)
      Results of Photographic positional observations of Mars satellites
      at Ordubad in 1988. Pulkovo, Glavnaia Astronomicheskaia Observatoriia,
      Izvestiia (ISSN 0367-7966). N 208. P. 24-31.

           relative to: absolute
       reference frame: astrometric
       center of frame: 0 - geocenter, 1 - topocenter
      epoch of equinox: 1950.0, 2000.0
            time scale: UTC
             reduction: Catalog 1 - AGK3, 2 - PPM
           coordinates: absolute
      diff. refraction: no information
              receptor: photographic
             telescope: 1 - PNA - Normal astrograph(D=330, F=3467 mm)
                        2 - P26 - 26-inch refractor (D=650, F=10413 mm)
                        3 - LPT - lunar-planetary telescope (D=600 F=10000 mm).
             observers: Kiselev A. A., Kiseleva T. P., Bobylev V. V., Dement'eva A. A.,
                        Mikhailov A. V., Shakht N. A., Shor, V. A., Orlova O. N.
data included in standard data file: no

  Some of these observations but as relatives are included into this database
  in the portions  mm0001, mm0007, mm0009. 

  1. Number of satellite (N sat): 1 - Phobos, 2 - Deimos.
  2. JD of the moment of observation
  3. Year   of the moment of observation
  4. Month  of the moment of observation
  5. Day    of the moment of observation with decimals
  6. Hour   of right ascension (alpha, h)
  7. Minute of right ascension (alpha, m)
  8. Second of right ascension (alpha, s)
  9. Degree of declination (delta, deg)
 10. Minute of declination (delta, '  )
 11. Second of declination (delta, '' )
 12. Epoch of equinox (1950.0 or 2000.0)
 13. Number of the catalog (N cat): 1 - AGK3, 2 - PPM
 14. Center of frame (cf): 0 - geocenter, 1 - topocenter
 15. Number of the telescope (N tel): 1 - PNA, 2 - P26, 3 - LPT.
 16. Observatory (MPC code) 
 17. In which portion the observation is included as relative (Incl)
     (0 - not included, 1 - in mm0001, 7 - in mm0007, 9 - in mm0009).

 N       JD       Year      Day        alpha           delta    Epoch   N cf  N  Obs
sat                  Month            h  m  s     deg  '  ''           cat   tel    Incl