      planet: 5 - Jupiter
  satellites: J6 - Himalia  : 3
              J7 - Elara    : 1
total number: 4
        type: absolute
       dates: 1968-1968
 observatory: 673 - Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood

   Mulholland J. D. (1990)
   Astrometric positions of Jupiter VI, Jupiter VII, 
   and minor planet (2153) Akiyama from Table Mountain Observatory, 
   with remarks on decimalization in astronomy

         relative to: absolute
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocenter
    epoch of equinox: B1950
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: absolute
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: photographic
           telescope: Reflector, F=60 cm
           observers: Mulholland J. D.
 data included in standard data file: no


  1. Number of satellite (N sat) 
  2. JD of the moment of observation
  3. Right ascension (alpha, degrees)
  4. Declination (delta, degrees)
  5. Number of observatory, observer and teliscope (N obs)

 N    JD (UTC)        alpha       delta      N                         
sat                  degrees     degrees    obs