Cemetery Wanguo Gonmu at Hongqiao lu Songyuan lu lukou is the only one remaining foreign cemetery. The memorial and the mausoleum of Sun Qin Li (1893-1981) is located here. Originally, this cemetery was organized in 1909 for reach Chinese famous Chinese Jews. It was demolished in 1966, then reconstructed in 1981.
Cemetery Hanzhao(Honqiao) at Panyu lu Hongqiao lu lukou was build in 1926. West part was called Hongqiao, east part - Columbia. Hongqiao part was divided into German and Russian ones. In 1945 they were joined, then demolished and now this territory belongs to Panyu park. Some people remember long bones of europeans, excavated from the ground during the creation of the park.
For details please see the book by V.G. Sharonova "Necropol of Russian Shanghai", Moscow, 2013
To the fifth trip