In addition to Trip over old Shanghai site, old Singapour and Wuhan we collected materials about Hong Kong during our visit for New Year 2020. Thanks to Robert Tenzer and his wife Diana, who hosted us for 3 days, we had an oppotunity to make photos of old churches and few buildings, presented here.

Pages about different trips to HongKong, which show a lot of pictures

The first trip

Governors residence

Hongkong central hospital

St. Pauls church


Foreign Correspondents Club

The second trip

Helena May building

The Peninsula Hotel

The Rosary Church

Saint John`s Cathedral

The third trip

Hong Kong court of final appeal

China Bank

A walk in the HongKong park

Johnston road church

At the pier of Hongkong

The Post Office

Saint Josephs college

WWF Organization Building

The fourth trip

Kowloon moscue

The Flagstaff House (Museum of Tea Ware)

Hong Kong heritage discovery center

Former Kowloon British School