(3) no - serial number of the object within a galaxy;
(4) NS, arcsec - apparent coordinate, in arcseconds, relative to the
galaxy centre in the plane of the sky (positive values correspond to the
northern positions);
(5) EW, arcsec - apparent coordinate, in arcseconds, relative to the
galaxy centre in the plane of the sky (positive values correspond to the
western positions);
(6) r, kpc - deprojected galactocentric distances in units of kpc;
(7) r/R25 - deprojected galactocentric distances in units of isophotal
radius R25, corrected for the Galactic extinction and inclination
(8) B, mag - apparent total B magnitude;
(9) M_B, mag - absolute magnitude M(B), M(B) = B-5log D-25, where D is
an adopted distance in units of Mpc;
(10) B_er, mag - magnitude uncertainty;
(11) U-B - apparent colour index U-B;
(12) U-B_er - uncertainty of the apparent colour index U-B;
(13) B-V - apparent colour index B-V;
(14) B-V_er - uncertainty of the apparent colour index B-V;
(15) V-R - apparent colour index V-R;
(16) V-R_er - uncertainty of the apparent colour index V-R;
(17) V-I - apparent colour index V-I;
(18) V-I_er - uncertainty of the apparent colour index V-I;
(19) logFHa [erg s-1 sm-2] - logarithm of spectrophotometric
Halpha+[NII] flux [erg s-1 sm-2] for all galaxies except NGC 266,
NGC 3184, NGC 3963, and NGC 6217, and logarithm of Halpha flux for the
objects in NGC 266, NGC 3184, NGC 3963, and NGC 6217;
(20) logFHa_er - uncertainty of the logarithm of spectrophotometric
Halpha+[NII] (Halpha) flux [erg s-1 sm-2];
(21) M_B_0i, mag - absolute magnitude M(B)0i, corrected for the
Galactic extinction and inclination effects;
(22) U-B_0i - colour index U-B, corrected for the Galactic extinction
and inclination effects;
(23) B-V_0i - colour index B-V, corrected for the Galactic extinction
and inclination effects;
(24) V-R_0i - colour index V-R, corrected for the Galactic extinction
and inclination effects;
(25) V-I_0i - colour index V-I, corrected for the Galactic extinction
and inclination effects;
(26) logFHa_0i [erg s-1 sm-2] - logarithm of spectrophotometric
Halpha+[NII] flux [erg s-1 sm-2] for all galaxies except NGC 266,
NGC 3184, NGC 3963, and NGC 6217, and logarithm of Halpha flux for the
objects in NGC 266, NGC 3184, NGC 3963, and NGC 6217, corrected for the
Galactic extinction and inclination effects;
(27) R-Ha - R-Halpha index, R-Ha = R+2.5log F(Halpha+[NII]) for all
galaxies except NGC 266, NGC 3184, NGC 3963, and NGC 6217,
R-Ha = R+2.5log F(1.35Halpha) for NGC 266, NGC 3184, and NGC 6217,
and R-Ha = R+2.5log F(Halpha+1.33[NII]6584) for NGC 3963,
where R is in magnitudes, and Halpha+[NII] (Halpha) are the fluxes
in units of erg s-1 cm-2;
(28) Ha_data - gas/stars morphology (2 - optical radiation from stars
coincident with ionized gas emission, 1 - photometric (stellar)
radiation centre is displaced from the gas emission centre,
0 - no gas emission within the area of optical radiation from stars,
-1 - no Halpha data);
(29) A(B) - absorption in units of magnitude calculated from Balmer
(30) A(B)_er - uncertainty of the absorption A(B);
(31) EW(Ha) - equivalent width in units of A;
(32) EW(Ha)_er - uncertainty of the equivalent width EW(Ha);
(33) logEW(Ha) - logarithm of equivalent width EW(Ha);
(34) logEW(Ha)_er - uncertainty of the logarithm of equivalent width
(35) Z - metallicity;
(36) Z_er - uncertainty of the metallicity;
(37) gas - the relative contribution of nebular continuum
and emission lines to the total observed flux in B band,
(38) M_Btr - 'true' absolute magnitude, corrected for extinction
and nebular emission contribution;
(39) M_Btr_er - uncertainty of the 'true' absolute magnitude;
(40) U-Btr - 'true' colour index U-B, corrected for extinction
and nebular emission contribution;
(41) U-Btr_er - uncertainty of the 'true' colour index U-B;
(42) B-Vtr - 'true' colour index B-V, corrected for extinction
and nebular emission contribution;
(43) B-Vtr_er - uncertainty of the 'true' colour index B-V;
(44) V-Rtr - 'true' colour index V-R, corrected for extinction
and nebular emission contribution;
(45) V-Rtr_er - uncertainty of the 'true' colour index V-R;
(46) V-Itr - 'true' colour index V-I, corrected for extinction
and nebular emission contribution;
(47) V-Itr_er - uncertainty of the 'true' colour index V-I;
(48) logIHa - logarithm of spectrophotometric Halpha+[NII] flux
[erg s-1 sm-2] for all galaxies except NGC 266, NGC 3184, NGC 3963, and
NGC 6217, and logarithm of Halpha flux for the objects in NGC 266,
NGC 3184, NGC 3963, and NGC 6217, corrected for absorption A;
(49) logIHa_er - uncertainty of the logarithm of spectrophotometric
Halpha+[NII] (Halpha) flux [erg s-1 sm-2], corrected for
absorption A;
(50) t,Myr - age t in units of Myr;
(51) t_er - uncertainty of the age in units of Myr;
(52) mass,10^4Msun - mass m in units of 10^4Msun;
(53) mass_er - uncertainty of the mass in units of 10^4Msun;
(54) dpc - estimated diameter in units of pc;
(55) str - structure of star formation region (1 - separated object
with star-like profile, 2 - double object, 3 - triple object,
4 - separated object with diffuse profile, 5 - ring structure,
6 - complex structure (more than three separated objects), 10...60 - the
same as 1...6, but the object is a brighter part (core) of an more extended
star forming region).