Authors: Shelus Peter J., Whipple Arthur L., Benedict G. F., and Mulholland J. D.
Year: 1992
Title: Some 'lost' observations from McDonald Observatory of the faint outer satellites of Jupiter
Journal: Astronomical Journal
Volume: 104
Number: 2
Pages: 859-861
Keywords: Jupiter, faint, observation, data, photographic, position
Abstract: Attention is given to a number of photographic exposures of the faint outer satellites of Jupiter that were taken with the 2.1-m Otto Struve reflector at McDonald Observatory in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The plates, together with the relevant observing logs, were measured and reduced. Observed positions and corrected and deleted observations of Jovian satellites are presented.
%F: AC(McDonald Observatory; Texas, University, Austin) AD(Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Grasse, France)
Bibliogaphic Code: 1992AJ....104..859S

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