Authors: Benedict G. R., Shelus P. J., and Mulholland J. D.
Year: 1978
Title: Astrometric observations of the faint satellites of Jupiter and minor planets, 1974-1977
Journal: Astronomical Journal
Volume: 83
Pages: 999-1002
Keywords: Jupiter, faint, observation, data, photographic, position
Abstract: Precise positions of the faint satellites VI-XII of Jupiter during the 1974 opposition, and for Jupiter XIII during the 1976-1977 and 1977-1978 oppositions, have been obtained from plates taken with the 2.1-m Otto Struve reflector of the McDonald Observatory by the use of a new quasi-automatic plate measurement and reduction procedure on a PDS microdensitometer. Observations of selected asteroids, including two of 1977 UB (Chiron) are given also.
%F: AC(McDonald Observatory; Texas, University, Austin, Tex.)
Bibliogaphic Code: 1978AJ.....83..999B

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