      planet: 7 - Uranus  
  satellites: U3-Titania : 46,
              U4-Oberon  : 83
total number: 129
        type: relative
       dates: 1902-1902
 observatory: 786 - U.S. Naval Obs., Washington
   See T.J.J. (1907)
   Observations of the Satellites of Uranus in 1902.
   Astronomische Nachrichten. V. 176. P. 293-298.

         relative to: Uranus: 87, Titania: 42
     reference frame: apparent
     centre of frame: topocentre
    epoch of equinox: date
          time scale: Wasington Mean Time
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: position angle and separation
    diff. refraction: not excluded
            receptor: micrometric
           telescope: Refractor, D=26 inch
           observers: See T.J.J.
 data included in standard data file: no

          no information

  1. Observed satellite number, obs.
  2. Reference satellite number, rel. (0-Uranus, 3-Titania)
  3. Year    of the moment of observation
  4. Month   of the moment of observation
  5. Day     of the moment of observation 
  6. Hour    of the observation of P
  7. Minute  of the observation of
  8. Seconde of the observation of P with decimals
  9. P (position angle) in degrees
 10. Hour    of the observation of S
 11. Minute  of the observation of S
 12. Seconde of the observation of S with decimals
 13. S (separation) in arcsec

sat  Year          W.M.T.           W.M.T.  
obs    month      h  m  s    P      h  m  s   S  
  rel       day           degrees           arcsec