      planet: 7 - Uranus  
  satellites: U1-Ariel  : 346,
              U2-Umbriel: 343,
              U3-Titania: 346,
              U5-Miranda: 232
total number: 1267
        type: relative
       dates: 1977-1882
 observatory: 586 - Pic du Midi
              511 - Haute Provence
              809 - European Southern Observatory, La Silla
              568 - Mauna Kea (CFH)

   Veillet C. (1983)
   De l'observation et du mouvement des satellites d'Uranus.
   SERGA. These de Doctorat d'Etat - Universite de Paris 6. 1983.

         relative to: U4-Oberon
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocentre
    epoch of equinox: B1950
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: X,Y
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: photographic
           telescope: 586 - Reflector, D=1 m (Pic du Midi)
                      511 - Reflector, D=120 cm (Haute Provence)
                      809 - Reflector, D= 1.5 m (Danois, ESO)
                      568 - Reflector, D= 3.6 m (CFH)
           observers: Veillet C.
 data included in standard data file: no

          no information

  1. Identificator of plate, first caracter - the name of observatory:
     P - 586 - Pic du Midi
     L - 511 - Haute Provence
     E - 809 - European Southern Observatory, La Silla
     H - 568 - Mauna Kea (CFH)
  2. Year    of the moment of observation
  3. Month   of the moment of observation
  4. Day with decimals of the moment of observation
  5. Number of satellite
  6. Number of the reference satellite (U4-Oberon)
  7. X, arcsec
  8. Y, arcsec

Plate  Year               N  N   X      Y
         month day       sat ref  arcsec