      planet: 7 - Uranus
  satellites: U1-Ariel   : 34,
              U2-Umbriel : 33,
              U3-Titania : 34, 
              U4-Oberon  : 34,
              U5-Miranda :  4
total number: 139
        type: relative
       dates: 1984-1986
 observatory: 689 - U.S. Naval Observatory, Flagstaff

   Walker R. L., Harrington R. S. (1988)
   Positions of planets and natural satellites. III.
   Astronomical Journal. V. 95. P. 1562-1566.

         relative to: planet
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocentre
    epoch of equinox: Date
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: Catalog SAO
         coordinates: X, Y
    diff. refraction: excluded
            receptor: photographic
           telescope: Reflector, D=155 cm
           observers: Walker R. L., Harrington R. S.
 data included in standard data file: no

          Columns  X and Y were exchanged in the paper 
          before the date JD=2446244

  1. JD of the moment of observation with decimals
  2. Number of satellite
  3. X, arcsec
  4. Y, arcsec

     JD        N       X       Y     
    (UTC)     sat   arcsec  arcsec