      planet: 7 - Uranus
  satellites: U1-Ariel   : 139,
              U2-Umbriel : 131,
              U3-Titania : 127, 
              U5-Miranda : 117
total number: 514
        type: relative
       dates: 1990-1991
 observatory: 950 - La Palma

   Jones D. H. P., Taylor D. B., and Williams I. P. (1998)
   Astrometry of satellites I to V of Uranus 1990-1991.
   Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement. V. 130. P. 77-80.

         relative to: U2-Umbriel:  1,
                      U3-Titania: 10,
                      U4-Oberon :128
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocentre
    epoch of equinox: J2000
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: Catalogue PPM
         coordinates: X, Y
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: CCD
           telescope: Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope
           observers: Jones D. H. P., Taylor D. B., Williams I. P.
 data included in standard data file: no

                      no information

  1. Number of plate
  2. JD-2400000.5, with decimals
  3. Number of Satellites Observed
  4. Number of Reference Satellite
  5. Seeing (FWHM), arcsec (SG)
  6. Number of first satellite measured
  7. X, arcsec (first satellite measured - Reference Satellite)
  8. Y, arcsec (first satellite measured - Reference Satellite)
  9. Number of second satellite measured
 10. X, arcsec (second satellite measured - Reference Satellite)
 11. Y, arcsec (second satellite measured - Reference Satellite)
 12. Number of third satellite measured
 13. X, arcsec (third satellite measured - Reference Satellite)
 14. Y, arcsec (third satellite measured - Reference Satellite)
 15. Number of fourth satellite measured
 16. X, arcsec (fourth satellite measured - Reference Satellite)
 17. Y, arcsec (fourth satellite measured - Reference Satellite)

  N JD-2400000.5  N  N    SG    N     X      Y      N     X       Y     N     X       Y     N     X       Y
plate          sats ref arcsec sat1 arcsec arcsec  sat2 arcsec arcsec  sat3 arcsec arcsec  sat4 arcsec arcsec