      planet: 6 - Saturn
  satellites: S9-Phoebe : 197
total number: 197
        type: absolute
       dates: 1904-1989
 observatory:   0 - Greenwich
              074 - Boyden Observatory, Bloemfontein
              662 - Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton
              672 - Mount Wilson 
              689 - U.S. Naval Observatory, Flagstaff
              690 - Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff
              695 - Kitt Peak
              711 - McDonald Observatory, Fort Davis
              754 - Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay
              809 - European Southern Observatory, La Silla
              822 - Cordoba
              999 - Bordeaux-Floirac

  1 - Pickering E. (1904)
      Saturnsmond Phoebe.
      Astronomisches Nachrichten. V. 166. N. 3969. P. 141. 
  2 - Pickering E. (1904)
      Note on Saturn's Satellite Phoebe.
      Astronomisches Nachrichten. V. 166. N. 3970. P. 159. 
  3 - Perrine C. D. (1904)
      Photographic Observations of the Ninth Satellite of Saturn.
      Lick Observatory Bulletin. V. 3. N. 64. P. 52-52. 
  4 - Albrecht S., Smith E. (1909)
      Photographic Observations of Satellites of Saturn and Neptune.
      Lick Observatory Bulletin. V. 5. N. 156. P. 109-109. 
  5 - Perrine C. D. (1909)
      Observations of the Distant Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn.
      Lick Observatory Bulletin. V. 5. N. 156. P. 106-107. 
  6 - (1908)
      Observations of Saturn's ninth satellite, Phoebe 
      from photographs taken with the 30-inch reflector in 1907, 
      Greenwich, Royal Observatory.
      Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. V. 68. P. 211. 
  7 - (1909)
      Observations of Saturn's ninth satellite, Phoebe, 
      from photographs taken with the 30-inch reflector in 1908, 
      Greenwich, Royal Observatory. 
      Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. V. 69. P. 213. 
      %U 1909MNRAS__69__213_
  8 - (1910)
      Observations of Saturn's ninth satellite, Phoebe, 
      from photographs taken with the 30-inch reflector in the year 1909, 
      Greenwich, Royal Observatory.
      Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. V. 70. P. 503. 
  9 - (1911)
      Observations of Saturn's ninth satellite (Phoebe) made in 1910, 
      Greenwich, Royal Observatory.
      Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. V. 71. P. 713. 
 10 - Barnard E. E. (1913)
      Micrometer observations of Phoebe, the ninth Satellite of Saturn.
      Astronomische Nachrichten. V. 194. N. 4651. P. 333. 
 11 - Barnard E. E. (1914)
      Visual observations of Phoebe, the ninth satellite of Saturn.
      Astronomische Nachrichten. V. 198. P. 223. 
 12 - Van Biesbroeck G. (1922)
      Observations of Jupiter's satellites VI, VII, and VIII and of Phoebe.
      Astronomical Journal. V. 34. N. 812. P. 167-168. 
 13 - Richmond M. L., Nicholson S. B. (1943)
      Positions of Jupiter's satellites VI-XI, 
      Saturn's satellite IX (Phoebe), and Pluto.
      Astronomical Journal. V. 50. N. 1147. P. 163-164. 
 14 - Van Biesbroeck G. (1944)
      Observations of asteroids and Phoebe.
      Astronomical Journal. V. 50. N. 1148. P. 184-184. 
 15 - Bobone Jorge (1953)
      Observations of comets, Phoebe and Jupiter VI.
      Astronomical Journal. V. 58. P. 172. 
 16 - Biesbroeck van G (1956)
      Positions of Saturn's Satellite Phoebe.
      Astronomical Journal. V. 62. P. 136. 
 17 - Van Biesbroeck G. (1958)
      Positions of Saturn's satellite Phoebe.
      Astronomical Journal. V. 63. P. 147. 
 18 - Roemer Elizabeth, Lloyd Richard E. (1966)
      Observations of comets, minor planets, and satellites.
      Astronomical Journal. V. 71. P. 443. 
 19 - van Biesbroeck G., Vesely C. D., Aksnes K., Marsden B. G. (1976)
      Observations of comets, minor planets, Pluto, and satellites.
      Astronomical Journal. V. 81. P. 122-124. 
 20 - Mulholland J. D., Shelus P. J. (1980)
      Astrometric observations of the satellites of Saturn during 1975-1976.
      Astronomical Journal. V. 85. P. 1112-1116. 
 21 - Debehogne H. Privat communication. 5 Aug, 1981.
      See also:
      Debehogne H. (1981)
      IAUC No. 3612
      Debehogne H. (1981)
      IAUC No. 3629. 
 22 - Bowell E. (1981)
      IAUC No. 3602
 23 - Debehogne H. Privat communication. 5 Aug, 1981.
 24 - Dourneau G., Bec-Borsenberger A., LeCampion J.-F. (1991)
      Internal Communication of the Bordeaux observatory. 
 25 - Bec-Borsenberger A., Rocher P. (1982)
      A comparison of the observation and ephemeris of Phoebe. In french.
      Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series. V. 50. P. 423-449. 

         relative to: absolute
     reference frame: 1 - apparent, 
                      2 - astrometric, 
                      3 - B1950.0,
                      4 - J2000
     centre of frame: topocentric.
    epoch of equinox: is given in the column 12. 
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: absolute
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: phographic
           telescope:  0 - unknown
                       1 - 40-inch Yerkes Telescope
                       2 - 30-inch reflector
                       3 - Crossley 3-foot mirror reflector
                       4 - 40-inch refractor
                       5 - 2-foot reflector
                       6 - 100-inch reflector
                       7 - 82-inch reflector
                       8 - Astrographic telescope of the Cordoba Observ.
                       9 - 24-inch Yerkes reflector
                      10 - ADH telescope
                      11 - 213-cm reflector
                      12 - 154-cm reflector
                      13 - 2.1 m Otto Struve reflector
                      14 - 0.33 m photographic telescope
                      15 - 1-m Jecobus Kapteyn Telescope on La Palma
           observers:  0 - unknown
                       1 - Barnard, Turner
                       2 - Barnard E. E.
                       3 - Perrine C. D.
                       4 - Albrecht S., Smith E.
                       5 - Van Biesbroeck G.
                       6 - Nicholson S. B., Richmond M. L. 
                       7 - Bobone J., Puch A.
                       8 - Gehrels T.
                       9 - Mulholland J. D., Shelus P. J.
                      10 - Debehogne H.
                      11 - Bowell E.
                      12 - Dourneau G., LeCampion J.-F.
                      13 - Harper D.
 data included in standard data file: no

   1. In the paper 25 all these data are reduced for the equator 
      and equinox 1950.0. The number in the column 1 is given 
      for indentification of the observation in this paper.
   2. If the value od declination is negative then the sign minus
      is given at one of the column (deg, ', ;'').
   3. The observations with numbers 701-707 were wade with CCD 
      and are not referenced in the paper 25.

  1. Number of observation in the paper 25 (see above).
  2. Year   of the moment of observation.
  3. Month  of the moment of observation.
  4. Day    of the moment of observation with decimals, UTC.
  5. Hour   of right ascension (alpha, h).
  6. Minute of right ascension (alpha, m).
  7. Second of right ascension (alpha, s).
  8. Degree of declination (delta, deg).
  9. Minute of declination (delta, '  ).
 10. Second of declination (delta, '' ).
 11. Reference frame: 
      1 - apparent,  
      2 - astrometric, 
      3 - B1950.0,
      4 - J2000
 12. Year of Epoch of equinox (0 h 1 Jan of the year), 0 if epoch of date. 
 13. N of observatory (Nsite), see above.
 14. N of telescope (Ntel), see above.
 15. N of observers (Nobs), see above.
 16. N of reference (Nref), see above.

N   Year               alpha            delta    ref  epoch   
in      month                                    frame  of             Nref
ref         day with                                 equinox    Ntel  
25          decimals   h  m  s       deg  '  ''            Nsite    Nobs