      planet:  6 - Saturn
  satellites:  S3-Tethys :   7,
               S4-Dione  :  17,
               S5-Rhea   :  32,
               S6-Titan  :  31,
               S8-Iapetus:  29,
 total number: 116
         type: absolute
        dates: 1972 - 1973                   
  observatory: 084 - Pulkovo

   T.P.Kiseleva,T.A.Vasil'eva,I.S.Izmailov, E.A.Roshchina,(2015)  
   New astrometric reduction of old photographic observations of Saturn's       
   moons based on digitizing of astronegatives.
   Solar System Research, V. 49. N 1. P.72-74.
   See in ADSAS

   E.A.Grosheva,I.S.Izmailov, E.V.Khrutskaya (2013) 
   Mobile Device to Digitize the photographic plates: first results. 
   Šroceedings of NAROO-GAIA Workshop: A new reduction of old observations in  
   the Gaia era, ISBN 2-910015-66-1, P.93-98 

           relative to: absolute
       reference frame: astrometric
       center of frame: topocentric
      epoch of equinox: J2000.0
            time scale: UTC
             reduction: Catalogue - Tych2 
           coordinates: absolute
      diff. refraction: no information  
              receptor: Mobile Device to Digitize (MDD)
             telescope: PNA - Normal astrograph : D/F = 300/3400 mm (Pulkovo)                      
             observers: T.P.Kiseleva, E.A.Roshchina,T.A.Vasil'eva, 
                        E.A.Grosheva, I.S.Izmailov, E.V.Khrutskaya                             

  1. Number of satellite (N sat): 1 - S1-Mimas, 2 - S2-Enceladus, ...
  2. JD of the moment of observation
  3. Year   of the moment of observation
  4. Month  of the moment of observation
  5. Day    of the moment of observation with decimals
  6. Hour   of right ascension (alpha, h)
  7. Minute of right ascension (alpha, m)
  8. Second of right ascension (alpha, s) with decimals
  9. Degree of declination (delta, deg)
 10. Minute of declination (delta, '  )
 11. Second of declination (delta, '' ) with decimals

 N      JD         Year           Day        alpha              delta    
sat                      Month              h  m  s          deg  '  ''  