      planet: 6 - Saturn
  satellites: S1-Mimas    :  54
              S2-Enceladus: 161
              S3-Tethys   : 145
              S4-Dione    : 161
              S5-Rhea     : 145
              S7-Hiperion : 121
              S8-Iapetus  : 126
total number: 913
        type: relative
       dates: 1996-2000
 observatory: 286 - Yunnan Observatory

   Peng Q., Vienne A., Shen K.X.
   Positional measuring procedure and CCD observations
   for Saturnian satellites.
   Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 383. P. 296-301.

         relative to: S5-Rhea     : 216
                      S6-Titan    : 697
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: geocentre
    epoch of equinox: J2000
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: see reference
         coordinates: X, Y
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: CCD
           telescope: Reflector, D = 1 m.
           observers: Peng Q., Vienne A., Shen K.X. 
 data included in standard data file: no

    The calibrated parameters of the CCD scale and orientation are 
    determined by the comparison of their measurement coordinates 
    with computed positions of four bright satellites of 
    Tethys, Dione, Rhea and Titan.
    Analysis of
    the data as inter-satellite positions shows that these observations of
    the above mentioned four satellites have root-mean-square residuals of
    0.04 arcsec in the sense of (O-C) (Observed minus Computed). 

   Bytes Format Units   Label    Explanations
   1-  3  I3    ---     Opp     *Opposition number
   5-  8  I4    yr      Obs.Y   *The year for observations
  10- 11  I2  "month"   Obs.M   *Month for observations
  13- 22  F10.7 d       Obs.D   *UTC date of observations
  24- 29  F6.3  s       TT-UTC   TT-UTC difference
  31- 33  A3    ---     Obs      [286] Observatory code from Minor Planet Center
  35- 37  A3    ---     Ref      [302] Reference code of the catalog (here 302)
      39  I1    ---     ObsType *[0/1] Observation type
  42- 43  A2    ---     Obj     *Subject satellite, reference satellite
  45- 46  A2    ---     Note    *[0/1] The flag of presence of both coordinates
  49- 60  F12.7 arcsec  ObsRA    The observed coordinates in Right Ascension
  63- 74  F12.7 arcsec  ObsDE    The observed coordinates in Declination
      76  I1    ---     RefSys  *[0/2] The reference system
      78  I1    ---     Frame    [1] The reference frame. Here, 1=geocentric
  80- 86  F7.3  arcsec  O-CRA    ?=999.999 Residuals of observations in
                                   Right Asension
  88- 94  F7.3  arcsec  O-CDE    ?=999.999 Residuals of observations in
      97  I1    ---     Rsat     Reference satellite when o-c is computed
     100  I1    ---     ---      [0] Index reserved
     103  I1    ---     NSer    *The number of the series
 105-113  F9.3  pix     Xpos    *?=99999.999 Original coordinate in X direction
 115-123  F9.3  pix     Ypos    *?=99999.999 Original coordinate in Y direction
Note on Opp:
     Oppsition number. 119 for 1996 to 123 for 2000
Note on Obs.Y,  Obs.M,  Obs.D:
     The date is not light time corrected for the UTC
Note on ObsType:
     0 = alpha, delta
     1 = Delta(alpha)cos(delta), Delta(delta)
Note on Obj:
     0 for Saturn, 1 to 8 for S1 to S8
     * when there is no reference satellite that is for observation
        type 0, C for the center of the plate which is not a physical object
Note on Note:
     0 = observation absent
     1 = observation present
Note on RefSys:
     0 = mean equator and equinox B1950
     1 = true equator and equinox of date of observation
     2 = mean equator and equinox J2000
Note on NSer:
     1,2,3 and 4 is for 1996, 1997, 1999 and 2000 series respectively. The scale
      and orientation are the same for all the observations of one series
Note on Xpos, Ypos:
     Difference in raw pixel coordinate between subject satellite and reference
      satellite in X- anf Y-direction