      planet: 6 - Saturn
  satellites: S1-Mimas      : 15,
              S2-Enceladus  :119,
              S3-Tethys     :271,
              S4-Dione      :212,
              S5-Rhea       :255,
              S6-Titan      :261,
              S7-Hyperion   :192,
              S8-Iapetus    :189
total number: 304
        type: relative
       dates: 1995-1997
 observatory: 950 - La Palma

   Harper D., Beurle K.,I.P.Williams, Murray C.D., Taylor D.B.,
   Fitzsimmons A., Cartwright I.M. (1999)
   CCD astrometry of Saturn's satellites in 1995 and 1997
   Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. V. 136. P. 257.

         relative to: Frame
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: geocentre
    epoch of equinox: no information
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: CCD image pixels
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: CCD
           telescope: 1-metre Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope
           observers: Harper D., Beurle K.,I.P.Williams, Murray C.D.,
                      Taylor D.B., Fitzsimmons A., Cartwright I.M.
 data included in standard data file: no

            Total number: 304 (CCD frames)
            On the 304 lines of the data-file are put the 1514
                      positions of the satellites from the CCD frame.
            Individual files can be fetched directly from:
            The catalogue can be queried from:
          evaluation: From abstract: Analysis of the data as inter-satellite
                      positions shows that the observations of Tethys, Dione,
                      Rhea and Titan have root-mean-square residuals
                      of 0.08 arc-seconds in 1995 and 0.10 arc-seconds
                      in 1997.

 Byte-by-byte Description of file: *dat.txt
   Bytes Format Units  Label    Explanations
   1-  4  I4    yr     OBS.Y    Year of the observation (1)
   6-  7  I2   "month" OBS.M    Month of the observation (1)
   9- 17  F9.6  d      OBS.D    Day of the observation (1)
  19- 23  F5.1  s      Exp      Length of the exposure;
  25- 32 8I1    ---    Flags    [0/1] Boolean flags indicating presence (1)
                                 or absence (0) of each satellite in the image
  33- 40  F8.2  pix    xiMimas  ? Column coordinate xi of Mimas, if present
  41- 48  F8.2  pix    etaMimas ? Row coordinate eta of Mimas, if present
  49- 56  F8.2  pix    xiEnc    ? Column coordinate xi of Enceladus,if present
  57- 64  F8.2  pix    etaEnc   ? Row coordinate eta of Enceladus, if present
  65- 72  F8.2  pix    xiTethys ? Column coordinate xi of Tethys, if present
  73- 80  F8.2  pix   etaTethys ? Row coordinate eta of Tethys, if present
  81- 88  F8.2  pix    xiDione  ? Column coordinate xi of Dione, if present
  89- 96  F8.2  pix    etaDione ? Row coordinate eta of Dione, if present
  97-104  F8.2  pix    xiRhea   ? Column coordinate xi of Rhea, if present
 105-112  F8.2  pix    etaRhea  ? Row coordinate eta of Rhea, if present
 113-120  F8.2  pix    xiTitan  ? Column coordinate xi of Titan, if present
 121-128  F8.2  pix    etaTitan ? Row coordinate eta of Titan, if present
 129-137  F9.2  pix    xiHyp    ? Hyperion {xi} column coordinate, if present
 138-146  F9.2  pix    etaHyp   ? Hyperion {eta} row coordinate, if present
 147-154  F8.2  pix    xiIap    ? Iapetus {xi} column coordinate, if present
 155-162  F8.2  pix    etaIap   ? Iapetus {eta} row coordinate, if present
 Note (1): U.T.C. time of the start of the exposure
 Note (2): Add half of this value to the start date to obtain the
           mid-exposure time