      planet: 6 - Saturn
  satellites: S1-Mimas      : 73,
              S2-Enceladus  :199,
              S3-Tethys     :212,
              S4-Dione      :204,
              S5-Rhea       :225,
              S6-Titan      :153,
              S7-Hyperion   : 88,
              S8-Iapetus    : 52
total number: 278 (CCD frames)
        type: relative
       dates: 1990-1994
 observatory: 950 - La Palma - 950

   Harper D., Murray C.D., Beurle K., Williams I.P., Jones D.H.P.,
   Taylor D.B., Greaves S.C. (1997)
   CCD astrometry of Saturn's satellites 1990-1994.
   Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. V. 121. P. 65.

         relative to: Frame
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: geocentre
    epoch of equinox: no information
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: CCD image pixels
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: CCD
           telescope: 1-metre Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope
           observers: Harper D., Murray C.D., Beurle K., Williams I.P.,
                      Jones D.H.P., Taylor D.B., Greaves S.C.
 data included in standard data file: no

            Total number: 278 (CCD frames) 
            On the 278 lines of the data-file are put the 1206
                      positions of the satellites on the CCD frame.
            Individual files can be fetched directly from:
            The catalogue can be queried from:
          evaluation: From abstract: Analysis of the data as inter-satellite
                      positions shows that the observations of Tethys, Dione,
                      Rhea and Titan have root-mean-square residuals
                      of 0.08 arcseconds, corresponding to 500km at the
                      distance of Saturn.

 Byte-by-byte Description of file: *dat.txt
   Bytes Format Units  Label    Explanations
   1-  4  I4    yr     OBS.Y    Year of the observation (1)
   6-  7  I2   "month" OBS.M    Month of the observation (1)
   9- 17  F9.6  d      OBS.D    Day of the observation (1)
  19- 23  F5.1  s      Exp      Length of the exposure; add half of this value
                                 to the start date to obtain the mid-exposure
  25- 32 8I1    ---    Boo      [0/1] Boolean flags indicating presence (1)
                                 or absence (0) of each satellite in the image
  33- 40  F8.2  pix    xiMimas  ? Column coordinate xi of Mimas, if present
  41- 48  F8.2  pix    etaMimas ? Row coordinate eta of Mimas, if present
  49- 56  F8.2  pix    xiEnc    ? Column coordinate xi of Enceladus,if present
  57- 64  F8.2  pix    etaEnc   ? Row coordinate eta of Enceladus, if present
  65- 72  F8.2  pix    xiTethys ? Column coordinate xi of Tethys, if present
  73- 80  F8.2  pix   etaTethys ? Row coordinate eta of Tethys, if present
  81- 88  F8.2  pix    xiDione  ? Column coordinate xi of Dione, if present
  89- 96  F8.2  pix    etaDione ? Row coordinate eta of Dione, if present
  97-104  F8.2  pix    xiRhea   ? Column coordinate xi of Rhea, if present
 105-112  F8.2  pix    etaRhea  ? Row coordinate eta of Rhea, if present
 113-120  F8.2  pix    xiTitan  ? Column coordinate xi of Titan, if present
 121-128  F8.2  pix    etaTitan ? Row coordinate eta of Titan, if present
 129-136  F8.2  pix    xiHyp    ? Column coordinate xi of Hyperion, if present
 137-144  F8.2  pix    etaHyp   ? Row coordinate eta of Hyperion, if present
 145-152  F8.2  pix    xiIap    ? Column coordinate xi of Iapetus, if present
 153-160  F8.2  pix    etaIap   ? Row coordinate eta of Iapetus, if present
 Note (1): The year, month and day give U.T.C. time of the start
 of the exposure