      planet: 6 - Saturn
  satellites: S10 - Janus:      413,
              S11 - Epimetheus: 451,
              S15 - Atlas:      375,
              S16 - Prometheus: 832,
              S17 - Pandora:    509
total number: 2580
        type: absolute
       dates: 2004-2013
 observatory: Cassini space probe

   Cooper, N. J.; Renner, S.; Murray, C. D.; Evans, M. W. (2015)
   Saturnʼs Inner Satellites: Orbits, Masses, and the Chaotic Motion of Atlas from New Cassini Imaging Observations
   The Astronomical Journal, Volume 149, Issue 1, article id. 27, 18 pp.

         relative to: absolute
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: Cassini space probe
    epoch of equinox: ICRF
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: UCAC2, Tycho-2
         coordinates: absolute
    diff. refraction: 
            receptor: CCD
           telescope: Cassini ISS Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) and Wide-Angle Camera (WAC)
           observers: Cassini space probe
 data included in standard data file: no

   1. Image identifier (Image)
   2. Year of the start of the observation date
   3. Month of the start of the observation date
   4. Day of the start of the observation date
   5. Hour of the start of the observation date
   6. Minute of the start of the observation date
   7. Seconds of the start of the observation date
   8. Right ascension of the camera's pointing vector orientation (RAc, degrees)
   9. Declination of the camera's pointing vector orientation (DEc, degrees)
  10. The camera's twist angle (twist, degrees)
  11. Line coordinate of the satellite in the image (line, pixels)
  12. Sample coordinate of the satellite in the image (sample, pixels)
  13. Right ascension of the satellite (RA, degrees)
  14. Declination of the satellite (DE, degrees)
  15. Index of the satellite, N (10 - Janus, 11 - Epimetheus, etc.)

Image       Year   Day   Time         RAc         DEc      twist      line    sample   RA          DE      N
              Month    h  m  s      degrees     degrees   degrees     pixels  pixels degrees     degrees