      planet: 6 - Saturn
  satellites: S10-Janus:      2, 
              S11-Epimetheus: 3
total number: 5
        type: relative
       dates: 1990-1990
 observatory: 675 - Palomar Mountain

   Nicholson Philip D., Hamilton Douglas P., Matthews Keith,
   Yoder Charles F. (1992)
   New observations of Saturn's coorbital satellites
   Icarus, V.100. N.2.  P.464-484.

         relative to: planet
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocentre
    epoch of equinox: no information
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: differential
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: Caltech Cassegrain infrared CCD camera
           telescope: Palomar Hale telescope
           observers: Matthews K.
 data included in standard data file: no

          evaluation: The differences  O-C published
                      by the authors

  1. Number of the satellite (N sat) (see above)
  2. Year   of the moment of observation
  3. Month  of the moment of observation
  4. Day    of the moment of observation
  5. Hour   of the moment of observation with decimals
  6. Difference in right ascension (D alpha), arcseconds
  7. Difference in declination (D delta), arcseconds
  8. O - C in right ascension (O - C alpha), arcseconds
  9. O - C in declination (O - C delta), arcseconds

 N  Year        hour    D alpha,   D delta,       O - C
sat    month             arcsec       arcsec   alpha  delta