      planet: 9 - Pluto
  satellites: 1 - Charon   : 12,
              2 - 2005 P1  : 12,
              3 - 2005 P2  : 12
total number: 36
        type: relative
       dates: 2002-2003
 observatory: 250 - Hubble Space Telescope

   Buie M. W., Grundy W. M., Young E. F., Young L. A., Stern S. A. (2006)
   Orbits and photometry of Pluto's satellites: Charon, S/2005 P1 and S/2005 P2.
   The Astronomical Journal. V. 132. N. 1. P. 290–298. 

         relative to: planet
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocentre
    epoch of equinox: J2000
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: differential
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: CCD
           telescope: HST
           observers: M. W. Buie, W. M. Grundy, E. F. Young, L. A. Young, S. A. Stern 
 data included in standard data file: no

          no information

  1. Midtime of observation, JD, UTC 
  2. Visit ID (see reference)
  3. Difference in R.A.  Charon - Pluto, arcsec
  4. Difference in Decl. Charon - Pluto, arcsec
  5. Difference in R.A.  S/2005 P1 - Pluto, arcsec
  6. Difference in Decl. S/2005 P1 - Pluto, arcsec
  7. Difference in R.A.  S/2005 P2 - Pluto, arcsec
  8. Difference in Decl. S/2005 P2 - Pluto, arcsec

                         Charon-Pluto    S/2005 P1 - Pluto S/2005 P1 - Pluto
  JD            Visit   Delta     Delta    Delta    Delta    Delta   Delta
                 ID     alpha     delta    alpha    delta    alpha   delta