      planet: 9 - Pluto
  satellites: P1-Charon  : 5
total number: 5
        type: absolute
       dates: 1998-1998
 observatory: 250 - Hubble Space Telescope


   Olkin C.B., Wasserman L.H., Franz O.G. (2003)
   The mass ratio of Charon to Pluto from Hubble Space 
   Telescope astrometry with the fine guidance sensors.
   Icarus. V. 164. N. 1. P. 254-259.

         relative to: absolute
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocentre
    epoch of equinox: J2000
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: see reference
         coordinates: absolute
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: CCD
           telescope: HST
           observers: Olkin C.B., Wasserman L.H., Franz O.G.
 data included in standard data file: no

          no information

  1. Year of the date of observation
  2. Month of the date of observation
  3. Day of the date of observation
  4. Hour of the date of observation (UTC)
  5. Minutes of the date of observation (UTC)
  6. Secondes of the date of observation (UTC)
  7. Hour of the right ascension of Pluto
  8. Minutes of the right ascension of Pluto
  9. Secondes of the right ascension of Pluto
 10. Degrees of the declination of Pluto
 11. Arcmin. of the declination of Pluto
 12. Arcsec. of the declination of Pluto
 13. Hour of the right ascension of Charon
 14. Minutes of the right ascension of Charon
 15. Secondes of the right ascension of Charon
 16. Degrees of the declination of Charon
 17. Arcmin. of the declination of Charon
 18. Arcsec. of the declination of Charon

year                      Pluto         Pluto         Charon        Charon
  month       UTC          R.a.  (J2000) Decl.         R.a.  (J2000) Decl.
       day  h  m  s      h  m  s      deg. '  ''     h  m  s      deg. '  ''