      planet: 4 - Mars
  satellites: M1 - Phobos: 26,
              M2 - Deimos: 10
total number: 36
        type: absolute
       dates: 2004-2005
 observatory: Mars Express


   Oberst J., Matz K. D., Roatsch T., 
   Giese B., Hoffmann H., Duxbury T., Neukum G. (2006) 
   Astrometric observations of Phobos and Deimos with the SRC on Mars Express
   Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 447. P. 1145-1151. 

         relative to: absolute
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocentre
    epoch of equinox: J2000
          time scale: TT
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: absolute
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: CCD at spacecraft
           telescope: Super Resolution Channel
           observers: spacecraft
 data included in standard data file: no

                    no information

  1. Number  of satellite: 1 - Phobos, 2 - Deimos.
  2. Year    of the moment of observation (at spacecraft)
  3. Month   of the moment of observation (at spacecraft)
  4. Day     of the moment of observation (at spacecraft)
  5. Hour    of the moment of observation (at spacecraft)
  6. Minute  of the moment of observation (at spacecraft)
  7. Seconds of the moment of observation with decimals  (at spacecraft)
  8. Right ascension (Alpha), degrees
  9. Declination (Delta), degrees
 10. Mars centered x coordinate of spacecraft 
     at the time of observation in J2000 geoequatorial frame, km
 11. Mars centered y coordinate of spacecraft 
     at the time of observation in J2000 geoequatorial frame, km
 12. Mars centered z coordinate of spacecraft 
     at the time of observation in J2000 geoequatorial frame, km
   Year   day    min          Alpha      Delta          x         y         z
sat  month   hour   sec       deg        deg           km        km        km