      planet: 4 - Mars
  satellites: M2 - Deimos: 813
total number: 813
        type: relative
       dates: 1988-1988
 observatory: 586 - Pic-du-Midi

 Colas F. (1992)
 Astrometric observations of Phobos and Deimos during
 the 1988 opposition of Mars.
 Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. V. 96. N. 3. P. 485-495.

         relative to: 3 - Deimos relative to Phobos: 813
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocentre
    epoch of equinox: 1 - true equator and equinox of date
          time scale: UTC (UT1)
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: 1 - X, Y
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: CCD
           telescope: Reflector, D = 1 m
           observers: 47 - Colas F.
 data included in standard data file: no

                    no information

  1. Acceptance code: 1 Accepted data, 0 - Deleted (bad quality)
  2. Opposition number: 1 - 1877, ..., 50 - 1982
  3. Year   of the moment of observation
  4. Month  of the moment of observation
  5. Day    of the moment of observation with decimals
  6. (ET-UTC) in tenths of second
  7. Observer code
  8. Observatory N
  9. Observed body: 1 - Phobos relative to Mars
                    2 - Deimos relative to Mars
                    3 - Deimos relative to Phobos
 10. Obs. type: 0 - separation and/or position angle
                1 - differential R.A.(*cosine(dec.))
                    and/or differential declination
                2 - Delta alpha or Delta delta
 11. Presence flag for 1st value of pair:
                0 - value absent
                1 - value present
 12. Presence flag for 2st value of pair:
                0 - value absent
                1 - value present
 13. Ref. system: 1 - true equator and equinox of date
                  2 - mean equator and equinox of B1900
                  3 - mean equator and equinox of B1950
                  4 - mean equator and equinox of J2000
 14. 1st value of observation, seconds of arc (0.0 if absent), see note 4
 15. 2st value of observation, seconds of arc or degrees if position angle
                  (0.0 if absent), see note 4
 16. 1-sigma noise in 1st value of pair (seconds of arc)
                  (0.0 if absent), see notes 3, 4
 17. 1-sigma noise in 2nd value of pair (seconds of arc)
                  (0.0 if absent), see notes 3, 4
 18. Observation correction (reduction) code:
                  0 - not corrected or no information
                  1 - corrected for phase,
                  2 - corrected for differential refraction
                  3 - both 1 and 2
 Note 1. The units for the observations are seconds of arc except for
         position angle when the unit is degrees east of north in the
         range 0 - 360.
 Note 2. The units for the observation noise are always seconds of arc.
         For a position angle p, the noise refers to the product of the
         error in p and the separation angle.
 Note 3. In the ESOC system, when the noise is greater or equal to 99.0
         the corresponding observation is of bad quality and is not used
         in the determination of the orbit but its residual is computed
         and printed.
 Note 4. When the observation is either Delta a or Delta d the columns
         normally used for the complementary observation are used to
         store the position angle, theta. Also, the columns normally
         used to store the noise of thre complementary observation
         contain 0.0.

                    ET-UTC       Body
 N opp.                    Observer      Ref.s.
     Year Month Day          Observatory                     Sigma 1  Sigma 2
Accept.                            Presence                                Corr.
code                                v1 v2    Value 1  Value 2              code