Contents. planet: 5 - Jupiter satellites: J6 - Himalia : 79, J7 - Elara : 83, J8 - Pasiphae : 98, J9 - Sinope : 38, J10 -Lysithea : 10, J11 -Carme : 58, J12 -Ananke : 62 J13 -Leda : 31 total number: 459 type: absolute dates: 1996,2005,2009-2012 observatory: 106 - Crni Vrh 608 - Haleakala-AMOS 673 - Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood 689 - U.S. Naval Observatory, Flagstaff 691 - Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak-Spacewatch 703 - Catalina Sky Survey 704 - Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico 874 - Itajuba A50 - Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory B01 - Taunus Observatory, Frankfurt C73 - Galati Observatory D29 - Purple Mountain Observatory, XuYi Station E07 - Murrumbateman E12 - Siding Spring Survey G96 - Mt. Lemmon Survey H06 - RAS Observatory, Mayhill H15 - ISON-NM Observatory, Mayhill H21 - Astronomical Research Observatory, Westfield J37 - Huelva J43 - Conway J75 - OAM Observatory, La Sagra Reference. Veiga, C. H. (2006) CCD positions for eight Jovian irregular satellites. Astronomy and Astrophysics. V. 453. P. 349-352. 2006A&A___453__349V MPC 75143, 75144, 75593, 75849, 76328, 76329, 76730, 76731, 77161, 77162, 77579, 77921, 77922 Informations. relative to: absolute reference frame: astrometric centre of frame: topocentre epoch of equinox: J2000 time scale: UTC reduction: no information coordinates: absolute diff. refraction: no information receptor: CCD telescope: 106 608 673 - 0.61-m f/16 reflector 689 - 1.6-m reflector. 691 703 - 0.68-m Schmidt 704 - 1.0-m f/2.15 reflector. 874 A50 B01 C73 D29 E07 E12 - G96 - H06 - H15 - H21 - J37 - J43 - J75 - 1.0-m f/2.15 reflector observers: 106 - 608 - 673 - Owen, Jr. 689 - Observer H. Harris. 703 - Observer A. R. Gibbs. Measurers E. C. Beshore, A. Boattini, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson. 704 - Observers M. Bezpalko, D. Torres, R. Kracke, G. Spitz, J. Kistler. Measurers J. Stuart, S. Scruggs. 874 - A50 - B01 - C73 D29 E07 E12 - - Observer R. H. McNaught. G96 - H06 - H15 - H21 - J37 - J43 - J75 - Observers M. Bezpalko, D. Torres, R. Kracke, G. Spitz, M. Blythe. Measurer J. Stuart. data included in standard data file: no Comments. Format. 1. Number of satellite (N sat): 6 -J6, 7 - J7,... 2. Year of the moment of observation 3. Month of the moment of observation 4. Day of the moment of observation with decimals 5. Hour of right ascension (alpha, h) 6. Minute of right ascension (alpha, m) 7. Second of right ascension (alpha, s) 8. Degree of declination (delta, deg) 9. Minute of declination (delta, ' ) 10. Second of declination (delta, '' ) 11. Code of observatory, (N obs) 12. Reference to the number of MPC, N MPC 13. Magnitude, Mag (blank if not given) 14. Band for magnitude, Band (blank if not given) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N Year Day with alpha delta N N Band sat Month decimals h m s deg ' '' obs MPC Mag ----------------------------------------------------------------------