      planet: 5 - Jupiter
  satellites: J10 - Lysithea  : 3
              J12 - Ananke    : 3
              J13 - Leda      : 7
total number: 13
        type: absolute
       dates: 1951,1975,1976
 observatory: 672 - Mount Wilson
              675 - Palomar Mountain
              691 - Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak-Spacewatch
              693 - Catalina Station, Tucson

   IAU Circular No. 1333, 1951 Nov 6
   IAU Circular No. 2820, 1975 August 19
   IAU Circular No. 2863, 1975 November 10
   IAU Circular No. 2978, 1976 July 23
   IAU Circular No. 3033, 1977 January 28

         relative to: absolute
     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocentre
    epoch of equinox: B1950.0
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: absolute
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: photographic
           telescope: 672 - Reflector, F=100-inch
                      675 - 122 cm Schmidt telescope
                      691 - Reflector, F=229 cm
                      693 - Reflector, F=154 cm
           observers: 672 - Nicholson
                      675 - C. Kowal
                      691 - Roemer E., Measurer: C. C. McCarthy.
                      693 - Roemer E., Measurer: C. C. McCarthy.
 data included in standard data file: no


  1. Number of satellite (N sat) 
  2. Year   of the moment of observation
  3. Month  of the moment of observation
  4. Day with decimals of the moment of observation
  5. Hour   of right ascension (alpha, h)
  6. Minute of right ascension (alpha, m)
  7. Second of right ascension (alpha, s)
  8. Degree of declination (delta, deg)
  9. Minute of declination (delta, '  )
 10. Second of declination (delta, '' )
 11. Number of observatory, observer and teliscope (N obs)

   Year               alpha        delta   
 N   month                                     N                         
sat        day       h  m  s    deg   '  ''   obs
           with dec.