Contents. planet: 5 - Jupiter satellites: J1 - Io : 81, J2 - Europa : 24, J3 - Ganymede :129, J4 - Callisto : 36 total number: 270 type: relative dates: 1996-1997 observatory: see observatories list in the comments Reference. Emelianov N. V., Vashkovjak S. N. (2009) Astrometric results of the observations of the mutual occultations and eclipses of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter in 1997. Solar System Research. V. 43. P. 240–252. Informations. relative to: reference body is an occulted or eclipsed satellite. reference frame: astrometric centre of frame: topocenter for mutual occultation or heliocenter for mutual eclipse epoch of equinox: J2000 time scale: UTC reduction: from mutual occultations and eclipses coordinates: X, Y (topocentric for mutual occultation or heliocentric for mutual eclipse) diff. refraction: no information receptor: photometric (see the relevant article) telescope: See in the publication observers: See in the publication data included in standard data file: no Comments. Data are deduced from the photometric observations of the mutual occultations and eclipses made during the international campaign in 1997. The description of these astrometric data is given in the relevant article (see Reference). The first group of the data is presented in this item. The "O-C' are given with respect of the theory by V.Lainey (Lainey, V., Arlot, J. E., Vienne, A. 2004, A&A, 427, 371). The second group of the data see in the following item jg0026 of the NSDC. The coordinates of the observatories can be found in (Arlot J.-E., Thuillot W., Ruatti C. and 61 co-autors. A&A, 2006, 451, 733-737) Correspondence between the Observatory code in these data and the observatory name in the paper (Arlot et al, 2006) is following (for some observatories the IAU codes or the coordinates are given): ASH ASHEVILLE BAR BARCELONA BOO WILP-ACHTERHOEKE BOR BORDEAUX BOU REUX BOW BOWIE BRU UCCLE BUC BUCAREST BUL BOSKOOP BUV BUCAREST CAC CACERES CAT CATANE -T91 CAU CATANE -T20 CHA Chateaugiron CIR TENERIFE COM COMTHUREY CRE NAUCHNY CRI NAUCHNY ELL ELLINBANK ESO ESO ESS ESSEN GON LISBOA GRB CALERN GRR CALERN GRV CALERN KAZ ALMA-ATA KIE IAU-083 (Golosseevo-Kiev) KOU IAU-168 (Kourovskaya) LUM LUMEZZANE MAD MADRID MEU MEUDON MIL MILAN MUN MUNCHEN NEW NEW-YORK ODE Dushak-Erekdag: Longitude (East): 03 h 51 m 36 s, latitude (North): 37 deg 56' OHP OHP PAR PARIS PIC PIC-DU-MIDI PRA PRAHA PUL IAU-084 (Pulkovo) SAR ZARAGOZA SEV SEVILLA SFF SAN FERNANDO SIC RAGUSA STU STUTTGART TEI TENERIFE TOK FUNAHO TOL OKAYAMA TOP TOPEKA TUR TORINO VAN OOSTDUINKERKE VAS KAVALUR VOR Voronezh: Longitude (East): 03 h 36 m 00 s, latitude (North): 51 deg 40' Format. 1. Year of observation 2. Month of observation 3. Day of observation 4. The type of the phenomenon (eclipse or occultation) including the satellite numbers. The type of phenomenon is coded as n_a o n_p or n_a e n_p for a mutual occultation or eclipse, respectively. Here n_a is the number of the occulting or eclipsing satellite and n_p is the number of the occulted or eclipsed satellite. 5. Observatory code (see the table in the relevant article). 6. Hour of the astrometric data (UTC) 7. Minute of the astrometric data (UTC) 8. Seconde of the astrometric data with decimals (UTC) 9. X coordinate in arcseconds (topocentric for mutual occultation or heliocentric for mutual eclipse) 10. Y coordinate in arcseconds (topocentric for mutual occultation or heliocentric for mutual eclipse) 11. sigma of X in arcseconds 12. sigma of Y in arcseconds 13. "O-C" for X in arcseconds 14. "O-C" for Y in arcseconds 15. Angular separation s (in arcseconds) corresponding to X, Y. 16. Position angle A (in degrees) corresponding to X, Y. 17. Flag Q indicating the quality and the reliability of the result: '0' for normally determined coordinates, '1' for the cases where the result of the observations at the given observatory differs considerably from the results of other observatories, '2' for the results obtained from poor photometric data. 18. The minimum level S min of normalized flux. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year Observatory Separation Position month code X Y sigma X sigma Y O-C(X) O-C(Y) s angle Q date Type h m s arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec degrees S min --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------