Contents. planet: 5 - Jupiter satellites: J1-Io : 943, J2-Europe : 1021, J3-Ganymede: 931, J4-Callisto: 1021 total number: 3916 type: relative dates: 1891-1978 observatory: 79 - Bordeaux-Floirac 99 - Bucarest 126 - Cape of Good Hope 234 - Greenwich 251 - Helsingfors 267 - Johannesburg 299 - La Silla 311 - Leiden 369 - Mc Cormick Obs. 410 - Nicolaiev 447 - Paris 480 - Pulkovo 490 - Rio de Janeiro 615 - U.S. Naval Obs. 618 - Uccle 675 - Yerkes Obs. 679 - Zo-Se Reference. Arlot Jean-Eudes (1982) Amelioration des ephemerides des satellites galileens de Jupiter par l'analyse des observations. These de Doctorat d'etat, Obs. de Paris. 20001982PhDT_______ Informations. relative to: center of gravity of observed satellites reference frame: astrometric centre of frame: topocentre epoch of equinox: 1 - mean terrestrial equatorial frame, 1950, 2 - Jovian equatorial frame of the date, time scale: UTC reduction: no information coordinates: X, Y, tangential diff. refraction: no information receptor: photographic telescope: no information observers: 666 - Chevalier 659 - De Sitter 827 - Debehogne 789 - Gorel 826 - Ianna and Seitzer 557 - Balanovsky and Kotinsky 731 - Petrescu 532 - Renz and Donner 763 - Soulie 756 - Van Biesbroek data included in standard data file: no Comments. The data file is composed from 1138 lines Each line from 1138 given lines contents the coordinates from one plate for 1 to 4 satellites. Numbers of observations mentionned above present for each satellite 0.5 of amount of the given coordinates X and Y. Format. 1. Year of the moment of observation 2. Month of the moment of observation 3. Day of the moment of observation 4. Hour of the moment of observation 5. Minute of the moment of observation 6. Second of the moment of observation with decimals 7. (N f) Code of the reference frame: 1 = mean terrestrial equatorial frame, 1950, 2 = Jovian equatorial frame of the date, 3 = others special frames. 8. (N c) Code of referential center: 1 = arbitrary point supposed to be the center of the plate, origin of tangential coordinates, 2 = center of observed Jupiter. 9. (Obs code) Code of observatories 10. X, arcsec for satellite J1 ( - if absent) 11. X, arcsec for satellite J2 ( - if absent) 12. X, arcsec for satellite J3 ( - if absent) 13. X, arcsec for satellite J4 ( - if absent) 14. Y, arcsec for satellite J1 ( - if absent) 15. Y, arcsec for satellite J2 ( - if absent) 16. Y, arcsec for satellite J3 ( - if absent) 17. Y, arcsec for satellite J4 ( - if absent) 18. (Scale) The plate scale in arsecond per millimeter 19. (N ser) The number of series of observations 20. (N obs) Number of the observer 21. (N opp) The number of year of opposition of Jupiter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year N Obs N month f code Scale obs day N X J1 X J2 X J3 X J4 Y J1 Y J2 Y J3 Y J4 mm N N h m s c arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec arcsec ser opp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------