      planet: 5 -Jupiter
  satellites: J1-Io      : 1370,
              J2-Europe  : 1467,
              J3-Ganymede: 1175,
              J4-Callisto: 1269
total number: 5281
        type: relative
       dates: 1891-1978
 observatory: no informations

   Arlot Jean-Eudes (1982)
   Amelioration des ephemerides des satellites galileens
   de Jupiter par l'analyse des observations.
   These de Doctorat d'etat, Obs. de Paris.

     reference frame: astrometric
     centre of frame: topocentre
    epoch of equinox: B1950
          time scale: UTC
           reduction: no information
         coordinates: tangential
    diff. refraction: no information
            receptor: photographic
           telescope: no information
           observers: no information
 data included in standard data file: no

     Each line from 1606 given lines contents the coordinates
     from one plate for 1 to 4 satellites.


  1. The chronological number (N)
  2. The number of the series (N ser)
  3. The number of the photographic plate (N plate, 9999 if unknown)
  4. X coordinate of J1-Io       in micrometer (zero if not observed).
  5. X coordinate of J2-Europe   in micrometer (zero if not observed).
  6. X coordinate of J3-Ganymede in micrometer (zero if not observed).
  7. X coordinate of J4-Callisto in micrometer (zero if not observed).
  8. Y coordinate of J1-Io       in micrometer (zero if not observed).
  9. Y coordinate of J2-Europe   in micrometer (zero if not observed).
 10. Y coordinate of J3-Ganymede in micrometer (zero if not observed).
 11. Y coordinate of J4-Callisto in micrometer (zero if not observed).
 12. The number of the satellites on the exposure (N sats).
 13. The factor of the plate scale in arseconds per millimeter (Factor).
 14. Origin of the coordinates (Origin) ,
        0: observed Jupiter,
        i: satellite number i,
        5: the gravity center of the observed satellites.
        6: arbitrary theoretical Jupiter

                                                             Columns 1-80
   N     N   Year            UTC                   X                 X
      N plate   month   hour
     ser            day    min seconds          J1-Io             J2-Europe

                                                             Columns 81-151
          X                 X               Y                   Y

     J3-Ganymede      J4-Callisto         J1-Io             J2-Europe

                                       Columns 152-202
          Y                 Y      N
                                 sats   Factor  Origin
     J3-Ganymede      J4-Callisto