Самые интересные новости и обзорные статьи
- M. Bartelmann, M.Maturi (2016) Weak gravitatiomal lensing (review)
- A. Alsabti, P. Murdin (eds.) (2017) Handbook of Supernovae
- J.L. Sanders, P. Das (2018) Isochrone ages of ~3 millions stars in Gaia DR2
- P. Das, J.L. Sanders (2019) MADE: a spectroscopic mass, age, and distance estimator for red giant stars with Bayesian machine learning
- T. Ruiz-Lara et al. (2020) The recurrent impact of the Sagittarius dwarf on the star formation history of the Milky Way
- E. Poggio et al. (2020) Evidence of a dynamically evolving Galactic warp of the Milky Way
- G. Cordoni et al. (2021) Exploring the Galaxy’s halo and very metal-weak thick disc
- P. Hennebelle, M. Grudic (2024) Физическая природа IMF
- P. Kroupa et al. (2024) The Initial Mass Function of Stars
- J. Kos (2024) Tidal Tails of Open Clusters
- G. Rangwal et al. (2024) Orbits and vertical height distribution of 4006 open clusters in the Galactic disk using Gaia DR3
- E. Leitinger et al. (2024) The Kinematics of 30 Milky Way Globular Clusters and the Multiple Stellar Populations within
- A. Livernois et al. (2024) Energy equipartition in multiple-population globular clusters
- W. Chen et al. (2024) JWST spectroscopy of triply lensed SN H0pe at z=1.78
- J. Pierel et al. (2024) Type Ia Supernova at z>2 with JWST
- J. Vinko, E. Regos. (2024) Type Ia Supernova at z=2.9, discovered by JWST
- A. Riess et al (2024) JWST Validates HST Distance Measurements and Local H0
- DESI Collaboration: A.G. Adame et al. (2024) DESI 2024 VII: Cosmological Constraints from the Full-Shape Modeling of Clustering Measurements
- C. Jacobus et ak. (2024) A Gigaparsec-Scale Hydrodynamic Volume Reconstructed with Deep Learning
- V. Vavricuk (2024) What is the amount of baryonic dark matter in galaxies?
- C. Seo at al. (2024) The Milky Way System Is the Exception Rather than the Rule in the ?CDM Cosmology
- H. Boffin, D. Jones. (2024) The importance of binary stars
- F. Hammer et al. (2024) Dark matter fraction derived from the M31 rotation curve
- S. Blondin (2024) Type Ia Supernovae
- P. Mroz et al. (2024) MilliNovae - новый класс объектов
- E.L. Hunt, S. Reffert (2021) Improving the open cluster census. I. Алгоритмы
- E.L. Hunt, S. Reffert (2023) Improving the open cluster census. II. Каталог РЗС
- E.L. Hunt, S. Reffert (2024) Improving the open cluster census. III. Параметры РЗС
- B. Mert, U. Ahmet, K. Cenk (2024) Relationship Between Spectral Type and Stellar Rotational Velocity for ~50000 single stars
- D. Almeida, A. Moitinho, S. Moreira (2024) Open cluster dissolution rate and the initial cluster mass function in the solar neighbourhood
- J. Wang et al. (2025) FEASTS: Радиальное распределение HI в 35 галактиках до уровня 0.01 M_Sun/пк^2
- I. Ogami et al. (2025) Структура гало галактики Андромеды М31
- M.N. Lee, A.P. Cooper (2025) Globular Cluster counts around 700 Nearby Galaxies
- A.M. Dmytrenko et al. (2024) Spatial orientation and shape of the velocity ellipsoids of the Gaia DR3 giants and subgiants in the Galactic plane
- T. Worrakitpoonpon (2024) Bar instability and formation timescale across Toomre’s Q parameter and central mass concentration: slow bar formation or true stability
- O. Jimenez-Arranz et al. (2025) Vertical structure and kinematics of LMC disk from SDSS/Gaia
- S. Iyisan et al. (2025) Thin MW disk from evolved stars
- R. Yaakib et al. (2025) Нестационарность диска Галактики по данным Gaia
- J.A.S. Hunt, E. Vasiliev (2025) Milky Way Dynamics in light of Gaia (review)
- E.J. Alfaro et al. (2025) Vertical kinematics of young open clusters
- F. Zhang, P.A. Seoane. (2025) Dynamics of nuclear star clusters
- G.A. Goncharov et al. (2023) Isochrone fiting of globular clusters. IV.
- G.A. Goncharov et al. (2023) Isochrone fiting of globular clusters. V.
- G.A. Goncharov et al. (2024) Isochrone fitting of globular clusters. VI.
- A.P. Milone et al. (2025) NGC 6397 multiple stellar populations with EUCLID.
- E. Wempe et al. (2025) The effect of environment on the mass assembly history of the Milky Way and M31.
- G. Aguilar-Arguello et al. (2025) Morphological Classification of Galaxies Through Structural and Star Formation Parameters Using Machine Learning.
- W. Dehnen, S. Jafaritabar (2025) Potential - Density pair for galactic discs.
- R.I. Anderson et al. (2024) VELOcities of CEpheids (VELOCE). I. High-precision radial velocities of Cepheids.
- S.S. Shetye et al. (2024) VELOcities of CEpheids (VELOCE). II. Systematic search for spectroscopic binary cepheids.
- B. Pilecki et al. (2021) Cepheids with giant companions. I.
- B. Pilecki et al. (2024) Cepheids with giant companions. II.
- B. Pilecki (2025) Cepheids in spectroscopic binary systems - current status and recent discoveries.
- D. Scolnic et al. (2025) The Hubble Tension: DESI and the Coma Cluster lead to H0=76.5 km/s/Mpc.
- DES Collaboration: T.M.C. Abbott et al. (2024) Cosmology Results with ~1500 New High-redshift Type Ia SN.
- A. Savino et al. (2025) HST survay of M31 satellites. IV.
- J.W. Dewberry, Y. Wu (2025) Testing tidal theory using Gaia binaries: RGB stars.
- G. Costa et al. (2025) Evolutionary tracks, ejecta, and ionizing photons from intermediate-mass to very massive stars with PARSEC.
- W.H.Elsanhoury (2025) Kinematics of HVS within 100 pc from LAMOST and Gaia DR3.
- A.D. Arnold, H. Baumgardt (2025) Direct N-body simulations of NGC 6397 and its tidal tails.
- E.L. Locas (2025) On the nature of buckling instability in galactic bars.
- J. Mirro-Carretero et al. (2023) A search for stellar tidal streams around Milky Way analogues from the SAGA sample.
- J.F. Wu et al. (2022) Extending the SAGA Survey (xSAGA). I. Satellite Radial Profiles as a Function of Host galaxy Properties.
- Y.-Y. Mao et al. (2022) The SAGA Survey. II. Building a Statistical Sample of Satellite Systems around Milky Way–like Galaxies.
- Y.-Y. Mao et al. (2024) The SAGA Survey. III. A Census of 101 Satellite Systems around Milky Way–mass Galaxies.
- M. Geha et al. (2024) The SAGA Survey. IV. The Star Formation Properties of 101 Satellite Systems around Milky Way–mass Galaxies.
- Y. Wang et al. (2024) The SAGA Survey. V. Modeling Satellite Systems around Milky Way-mass Galaxies with Updated UniverseMachine.
- D. Risbud et al. (2025) Tidal tails of nearby open clusters. I. Mapping with Gaia DR3.
- S.R. Spangler. (2025) Broadening of the Main Sequence of a Star Cluster by Undetected Binaries.
- D.P. Stark et al. (2025) Observations of the First Galaxies in the Era of JWST. Обзор.
- H. Beuther et al. (2025) Star formation from low to high mass: A comparative view. Обзор в ARAA.
- L. Wei et al. (2025) Structure and Dynamics of the Young Massive Star Cluster Westerlund 1.
- J.M.D. Kruijssen. (2025) The Formation of Globular Clusters. Обзор.
- S.R. Berlanas et al. (2025) Gaia-ESO Survey: massive stars in the Carina Nebula II. The spectroscopic analysis of the O-star population.
- A.W. Neitzel et al. (2025) Dissecting stellar populations with manifold learning I. Validation of the method on a synthetic Milky Way-like galaxy.
- J. Gonzalez et al. (2025) Discovering Strong Gravitational Lenses in the Dark Energy Survey with Interactive Machine Learning and Crowd-sourced Inspection with Space Warps.
- X.Liu et al. (2025) The disrupting and growing open cluster spiral arm patterns of the Milky Way.
- B. Chen et al. (2025) Discovery of A Starburst in the Early Milky Way at [Fe/H] < -2.
- N. Lodieu et al. (2025) The wide binary frequency of metal-poor stars.
- L. Galbany et al. (2025) Rapid follow-up of infant supernovae.
- V. Hocde et al. (2025) Ionized circumstellar gas emission around the long-period Cepheid ? Carinae.
- D. Godoy-Rivera et al. (2025) Kepler meets Gaia DR3: homogeneous extinction-corrected color-magnitude diagram and binary classification.
- P. Sharda et al. (2025) Magnetic fields limit the mass of Population III stars even before the onset of protostellar radiation feedback.